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Monday, November 04, 2019

Michelle Obama's White Flight Comments PROVES SHE IS A RACIST


  1. Every one Knew / knows the Obama's were racist. Look at their comments / actions and Bills passed.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: What utter BS! When blacks move into predominantly white neighborhoods, it is not as the advertising media depicts with black stockbroker dad mowing the lawn on Saturday morning and lawyer mom driving off in her Volvo on her way to help out at some volunteer organization. No, more typically they will be Section 8 recipients on the federal dole with junk, toys, trash scattered over what once was a lawn, now just dirt and weeds. If you live in the neighborhood, you will catch their kids in your garage if you happen to leave the door open and if you confront them, the parents or older siblings (gang members), will confront you with violence. It only gets worse from there. Owners, fearful of the situation, will avoid the issues and move out and either sell the property at a loss or turn it over to the government so they can move in more of the same Section 8 renters and the neighborhood continues to decline from there. This is an actual scenario on an assault/battery case I investigated in Las Vegas back in the early nineties. It was repeated over and over again in many other neighborhoods.

  3. Does this mean her neighbors in Martha's Vineyard are pulling out?

    1. Betcha a nickel they do , BUT by the back door, like going on a permanent vacation. Give it time and watch.

  4. So if I use the term “black folk” that is acceptable?

  5. That so many blacks still idolize her is very telling about what an immoral dishonest race they truly are. They are a disgrace to mankind. They wonder why their youth are blowing each others brains out in epidemic numbers. They need look no further then just how low into the cess pool they have sunk. They are not raised to be good honest moral people and that they idolize her is proof. If they did have any morals they would be ashamed of themselves. Animals are more civilized and raise their young better. Shame on them but because they are raised by civilized people they have no shame

  6. Damn, finally a black man with common sense. He finally talks about the world the way it actually is not the way some rich blacks wants you to think it is like Barack and Michele.

  7. 208
    She is a he
    Wake up

  8. I believe 100% she is a transgender!! She is very masculine looking! Obama needs to come clean about what his so called wife is! A MAN

  9. So they don’t like white flight? Maybe they should think about why they move out.

  10. People just want away from them...........Barak and Moochie..........not blacks in general. I sure wouldn't want to live next door to them. Moochie would be out there baring her fangs and calling you every nasty whitey name she could think of.


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