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Monday, November 04, 2019

Exposing The Bogus "97% Consensus" Claim Over Climate Change 'Science'

One of the popular rhetorical moves in the climate change debate is for advocates of aggressive government intervention to claim that “97% of scientists” agree with their position, and so therefore any critics must be unscientific “deniers.”

Now these claims have been dubious from the start; people like David Friedman have demonstrated that the “97% consensus” assertion became a talking point only through a biased procedure that mischaracterized how journal articles were rated, and thereby inflating the estimate.

But beyond that, a review in The New Republic of a book critical of mainstream economics uses the exact same degree of consensus in order to cast aspersions on the science of economics. In other words, when it comes to the nearly unanimous rejection of rent control or tariffs among professional economists, at least some progressive leftists conclude that there must be group-think involved. The one consistent thread in both cases - that of the climate scientists and that of the economists - is that The New Republic takes the side that will expand the scope of government power, a central tenet since its birth by Herbert Croly a century ago.



  1. Does anyone else remember science class and the thing called the Scientific Method: a theory is stated then PROVEN or DISPROVEN.
    Can someone please tell me how the scientific world has PROVEN that cow farts or CO2 emissions have caused the latest cycle of global warming or that the elimination of both will cause the Earth to cool again?? Or that another degree of warming is going to cause Ocean Pines to become ocean front property.
    I am NOT a climate change denier at all. The climate HAS warmed over the last decade. The only doubts I have are the cause. It might just be another cycle like we had in the 1930's.
    In my humble opinion, scientists and politicians are pushing this THEORY to get more money for studies and to tax and control the populations.
    One last thing: what caused the Earth to warm AFTER the last Ice Age? It wasn't humans and it wasn't cow farts.
    Just sayin'.

  2. Dear 11:34, Loved how you made that point! I haven't been able to get past how Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble started the last major climate event either.

  3. I'm still waiting to freeze from the 1970's Ice Age prediction...

  4. Gracious
    What a terribly written article or should I write, propaganda?

    Do some reading folks. The NOAA Employees are under a Federal Gag Order - ask yourself why?
    Why do they show the population only cartoons of weather satellite imagery?
    Why not show us the real satellite images?
    What are they hiding?

    Wake up and look up.
    They are spraying us in plain view.
    Is anybody home?

    Do you actually believe these weather evens are normal?
    Did you not notice how they "walked" the last Hurricane up the east coast after destroying the poor sections of the Bahamas? What do you think will happen in the Bahamas now? Do you think China will be allowed to rebuild the port? Over a Billion Yuan pummeled into the ocean.

    Weather is the ultimate weapon of choice.
    Use your intelligence.
    This isn't complicated.
    The technology is fascinating once one educates themselves about what is happening.

  5. I believe they can control weather


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