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Friday, November 01, 2019

Katie Hill blames 'misogynistic culture' for political downfall in final floor speech

California Democratic Rep. Katie Hill delivered her final floor speech Thursday, claiming her political career was cut short as a result of a sexual double standard and misogynistic culture.

"I am leaving now because of a double standard. I am leaving because I didn't want to be used as a bargaining chip. I am leaving because I didn't want to be used by papers and blogs and websites used by shameless operatives for the dirtiest gutter politics that I’ve ever seen," Hill said.

Hill blamed the "right-wing media" looking "to drive clicks and expand their audience by showing intimate photos of me, taken without my knowledge let alone my consent, for the sexual entertainment of others" for her stepping down.



  1. I thought it was because she was having sex with a subordinate 10 years younger that worked directly for her. And I thought she was having sex with a congressional staffer head of her financial campaign. Also I thought her husband was have sex with the young female staffer. Also I thought Hill championed the law protect young staffers from being seduced by the Hills of the world. However she was allowed to vote anyway.

    1. She has no conscious and no values just like the rest of libby America...

  2. There isn't an honest democrat alive and she just like all democrats is a liar. What this has to do with is her own nasty actions. She is trash. Congress rules just like a lot of employers have a rule and you do not carry on romantically with a subordinate. Manly looking skank so gross and dirty she couldn't control herself. Also no one made her pose naked for for pictures. She shamed herself by being dirty and nasty. Think before you do something that will cause you shame and make you ashamed.

  3. Boy, getting outed and exposed sure brings out the worst in people, especially democrats who espouse do as I say not as I do.

  4. Soon to be a porn star.


  5. Couldn't be because she was an amoral alley cat without much impulse control who allowed herself to be photographed in compromising positions? Yep, must be the fault of others! Tramp & hypocrite!

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Got to admire a girl who covers all of her bases and is so versatile. Too bad she is leaving, as I enjoy entertaining Marxist democrat scandals.


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