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Friday, November 01, 2019

Kanye West claims Democrats have 'brainwashed' black Americans and 'made them abort their children' in explosive new interview

Kanye West claims black Americans have been 'brainwashed' into voting for the Democratic Party despite the fact the party promotes policies that are harmful to them.

The controversial rapper, 42, made the declaration in an explosive interview with radio host Big Boy on Friday while promoting his new Christian-themed album, Jesus Is King.

When asked about his support for President Donald Trump, West explained that he doesn't believe it is smart for black Americans to bloc vote for Democrats, claiming: 'You are quite easily controlled if they know everybody gonna be blue [Democrat]. If you go to a white [person] bar, you gonna hear people talking Independent, you gonna hear people talking Democrat, you gonna hear people talking Republican'.

In the 2016 Presidential Election, 88 percent of black Americans voted Democrat, while only 8 percent of that same demographic voted Republican.



  1. Be careful Kayne spreading the truth could be hazardous to your health.

  2. It's not a claim, it was margaret sanger's chief intention.

  3. Christian themed album! Lol!

    Seriously, guys, Kanye is nuts. You don’t want him as your representative. He’s been nuts for years.

  4. But he speaks the truth 8:05 AM; or does the truth hurt? Democrats were the genesis of the KKK and the advent of welfare back in the 60s. They pandered to get the vote, many truly are racists. Do you deny it?

  5. I may not like his words sometimes and his rants but he is smart enough to figure out Trump is for all Americans and wants to protect all Americans so they have jobs, homes and a better way of life than they did under Obama who lied to everyone.

  6. nuts is voting for same crooked politicians for years with no discernible change in your circumstances!
    voting for them to rob you of your hard earned income to those who don't deserve it!
    voting for the same failed policies in your families, schools, cities.
    Tbats nuts!

  7. Most blacks hate the truth. They are inherently dishonest because almost all of them have never had an honest positive person ever in their lives. They can claim otherwise but that is just them getting to that lying most of they do all the time. The 88 percent that voted democrat that is. God sees their ugly and will continue to punish them especially because they lie and say they are Christian. You can not be a democrat and a Christian. elijah cummings is burning in hell right now because God had enough of the evil demon and made him die. And he suffered too and God made him stare death in the face for days and in pain to punish the evildoer as he deserved. And God will continue to punish them for lying and saying they are Christian.

  8. This sicko don't even know what He is Nor his natural enemy.Thats why he has been brainwashed into the Great American Dream.Poor Fellow

  9. Finally this guy makes some sense

  10. Just because he is nuts doesn't mean he is wrong.

  11. If they weren't so flipping racist and stupid. They would know that. EVERYTHING WITH THEM IS BLACK AND WHITE. THEY BLACK. HATE WHITE. PERIOD!!


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