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Sunday, November 03, 2019

He’s on a one-man quest to take down Confederate monuments in Maryland

EASTON, Md. — He smoothed his suit and gripped his leather portfolio, inside it a carefully written broadside in which he planned to accuse the people who run this county of supporting “the idea of white supremacy.” Henry Herr gulped. He twisted his wedding ring around his finger. And he got ready to walk inside the county government building.

Right there on the courthouse lawn, he passed the statue. “To the Talbot Boys,” read the capital letters on its huge stone base. “1861-1865. C.S.A.”

Confederate States of America, that means. Right here in Maryland, though the state never seceded from the United States. Right here in front of the courthouse, the first and most prominent sight that greets anyone arriving to seek justice and law in Talbot County.



  1. You can not change history just because you don't like it.

    1. Dude taking downs statues doesnt change history. It corrects the narrative tonaccurateiy reflect confederates as traitors who fought and died to keep a system that is 100% anti-constitutional

    2. The Confederate Army fought for states rights, be ccx abuse they feared that the federal government was becoming too powerful, and with that would come corruption, and forcing their will.on the individual states. Kinda prophetic when you look at the federal govt were stuck with these days! I've heard the phrase THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN my entire life. Until recently I thought it was BS. I now believe it.

  2. Jake day said the same for the courthouse.

    1. Yes he did! General Winder is more of a man and Soldier than Jakey Boi will ever be!

  3. Virtue signaling beta.

  4. He twisted his wedding ring around his finger? What kind of trash hard up loser would marry this pathetic piss poor excuse of a human being? Trash like him is the answer. Herr's parents obviously garbage themselves should be ashamed of what they raised. There are plenty of positive things to do that actually contribute to society and this is not one of them

  5. herr either needs to voluntarily get a mental evaluation or his family if they are decent people would have him committed. It is not normal thinking at all to make the leap that just because there are Confederate statues someone supports white supremacy. What a demented sick uncivilized waste of air this herr is. Whoever raised him needs f a foot shoved up their butts for being such horrid examples as parents.

  6. How about cleaning up your neighborHOODS. Oh yeah, that would take hard work. Easier to get scared politicians to take down some old statues then to curb the black on black violence that is so prevalent in the HOOD. Clean up your mess first then come looking to tear apart history.

  7. Well if old statues have to be taken down from Government property because some sad sjw doesnt like them maybe we should go ahead and re paint the crosswalks. I don't like rainbows they offend me.

    1. I agree however because you and I are not part of a group of 2% who are offended but of the majority your voice does not matter.

  8. This guy sounds like a loser with not a whole lot to do ! Wonder who pays him ? The South will Rise again!

  9. Jake wants a statue of himself painted in rainbow colors

  10. Looks like a pedophile.

  11. Why is history attempting to be rewritten by nut cases? Maryland was a Southern State. Why are White Statues being removed and replaced by Black Statues? Is this not racist and discriminatory?

  12. Jake said that to appease his fan club of the progressive party
    All those hanger-on thinking they are part of the political scene are too stupid to realize jake is using them and will be tossed like garbage as soon as he moves on.

  13. Keep focusing on race and race will always be a problem.

  14. that monument is not racist nor is it for the Confederacy, It was put up to honor military veterans. You many not consider Confederate soldiers Veterans but they were classified as veterans years ago. Most need to learn some history. Many did not fight in that war because they were defending slavery, they took up arms to fight to defend their homes and families. I you had soldiers coming and burning down your neighborhoods and pillaging all they could, would you not take up arms to defend your family and home that you worked for years for? Put things in proper perspective. That monument is not about slavery!

  15. I am a native of Talbot County, (we pronounce it tall but), and I want say to Mr Herr go back to Cockeysville (or wherever) and leave our heritage alone. Nobody asked you to come here and change anything. Sorry that it offends you, but taking down a statue will not alter the past.How about putting your efforts into something that matters, such as helping homeless vets, or maybe even homeless cats?

  16. Someone should just beat his ass.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Looks like a pedophile.

    October 28, 2019 at 10:31 AM

    I thought the same thing.

  18. If you all read the story you would have found out that this clown has a mental illness. He isn't all there and the fact that the reporter didn't walk away when they found this out proves they all have a liberal agenda.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Dude taking downs statues doesnt change history. It corrects the narrative tonaccurateiy reflect confederates as traitors who fought and died to keep a system that is 100% anti-constitutional

    October 28, 2019 at 9:49 AM

    Is that you James Yamakawa. Sounds like your racist, lying bull$hit. I can't wait to find you on the street again.

  20. October 29, 2019 at 8:23 PM

    he is just trying to stay relevant. keep his face on social media. couldn't think of anything else useful or worthy to do, so he picked this hobby. snowflake of all snowflakes. scared of a statue.

    I think I will start my hobby of abolishing black history month, affirmative action, etc.

    It will correct the narrative to accurately reflect that they should get off their arse's, learn a trade and get a job like the rest of us

    end the racism against whites of giving our money and jobs away to people that are too lazy or uneducated to succeed on their own.

  21. Don't come here if statue bothers you

    I read today that a Mr. Herr from Catonsville gave his interpretation of history about the Talbot Boys statue. The statue is in honor of the Talbot County men who lost their lives in war. I find the statue of a slave offensive. As far as I know, no one in my family ever owned a slave and slavery goes back to biblical times.

    My suggestion to Mr. Herr is if the statue bothers you, don't come here. Go back to Baltimore and get rid of the rats around the harbor. Decrease the Bay Bridge traffic and save your toll.

    It amazes me that people come to Talbot County after falling in love with our lifestyle then criticize it. They want to change our way of living to meet their style.

    I'm a veteran. I am a native and lifelong resident of Talbot County. I love it the way it's always been. I respect those who gave their lives for a cause that was the culture at that time.



  22. Len Foxwell and Jared Schablein are over there on the "Easton, Maryland Community Group" Facebook page attacking Easton citizens about this monument. Two Liberal/Socialist Douchebags creating divisiveness as usual.

    People, keep this in mind when his boss Peter Franchot runs for election again. Also, it's been speculated that Peter Franchot is running for Governor and naming Jake Day as his running mate. This is the last thing this country needs.

  23. Len Foxwell said... 1. "It's our history...". Apartheid was a part of South Africa's history and the Holocaust was a part of Germany's history. Yet, somehow, those nations are able to tell their darkest stories without the use of statues that honor evil.

    2. Stop making this about "people who live here" against "people who aren't from here." You sound like a stock character from a John Grisham novel. I live here, pay taxes here and give back to my community and I - as is the case with a commanding majority of people I speak with - believe that a monument to the Confederacy has no place in taxpayer funded grounds that are supposed to symbolize blind justice.

    3. This statue, one way or another, will eventually come down and be removed from the courthouse grounds. Count on it.

  24. First the Confederate statues, and anyone they can even indirectly associate with slavery. Next, it’s every white person,, because they claim we’re all “guilty.”

    Yeah I’m guilty, of being fed right the f$&# up.

  25. Just another embarrassing White male. Who is only doing this because he thinks it's popular. He wants to be another phony libutard crusader for justice. I wonder how many times in his life he's been shoved into a locker??

  26. People like this are Fascists and there’s only one way to deal with them .

  27. I suggest anyone who disagrees with this fly the confederate flag outside of their home that way you replace one symbol with thousands.


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