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Monday, November 04, 2019

Get out the Vote for Wayne King

Polling places are open 7AM-7PM


  1. Get rid of JACKSON/HEATH.

  2. The "Salisbury Locals" FB on Delmarvanow has people posting Wayne King comments and starting RACIST chants - Stand by!

  3. One of the few times I actually wish I was a city resident...I could vote against Fake Day!

  4. OMG the cadidates they come up with. Jonathan Taylor? Yeah right, I just know I'd vote for him, NOT!!!!

  5. My vote goes to King and Smith for Mayor and Candidate for District 3! Good Luck to both!!!!

  6. Hope all the keyboard warriors on here actually do their part and show up to the polls.

  7. 9:12- Like hell I won't! And I'm voting for King!

  8. Was just reading the City of Salisbury Facebook page. There are 2 nitwits saying they have no idea where they are suppose to vote. These are the people that shouldn't be allowed to vote! If you can't research and find that out, we know you didn't research who is running. They just go and select the ones with (D) behind their name. The uninformed voter. One is upset now because it looks like she doesn't live inside city limits. Oddly they are both from New Jersey!

  9. 7:26pm, for your information, I always do my part and go vote, I just wish those in charge would do their part and make sure the votes are dealt with properly. Enough said!!


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