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Monday, November 04, 2019

Gaffe-Prone Biden Briefly Claims He’s In Ohio During Iowa Stop

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) experienced another gaffe during a stop in Iowa over the weekend, briefly claiming that he was in Ohio while campaigning in the Hawkeye State.

Biden, who has remained gaffe-prone throughout his presidential bid, misspoke yet again during a campaign stop at Abby Finkenauer’s Fish Fry in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Saturday, briefly claiming that he was in Ohio before correcting himself.

“How many unsafe bridges you still have here in the state of Ohio?” he said before correcting himself. “I mean Iowa. I was just in Ohio because they have more”:



  1. Sleepy Joe AKA "bite me" cracks me up...

  2. He did say he would use Nukes to put out the fires in California and that is a great idea.

  3. Who cares. He still has my vote

    1. let GROWNUPS get Trump in 2020November 4, 2019 at 6:42 PM


      your too young to vote

      go back to mommys basement....your safe space area

      grab your bottle of juice and pacifier. ..

    2. @5:50. Really? My kitchen table is smarter than he is... he's downright scary... if (God help us all) he wins, taxes will skyrocket, our place in the world be will be lower than it was with obama...for God's sake, he swims naked in front of female secret service agents!

  4. Iowa does have an O in it.
    Give him a break

  5. I can't believe what has become of the dumbocrat party.

    Biden is losing his mind while his kid gets kickbacks from the Ukraine and China. Warren is probably the biggest liar running for President.

    And Pelosi want to impeach Trump......for something! .....Anything!!

  6. Biden is the dumber in the dumb and dumber combination of the Obama nightmare

    TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. "Gaffe machine" my a$$, more like advancing dementia.

  8. I really liked Mr Trump’s TV Show.


  9. Biden 'knows' what's on the teleprompter, until he goes off-script. Then Slow Joe the Gaffemaster just makes it up.

  10. 5:50 you probably voted for Hillary too knowing she was a dishonest slime bucket. Didn’t you?

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Could Anyone really be stupid and uninformed enough to actually go to a Biden rally, pay attention to him and even consider voting for him? To answer my own question, yes there are people who fit that category. Had a judge in Las Vegas who had been kicked off the bench for incompetence but was still on the ballot for re election. She received over 2000 votes even though the whole scandal was all over the news media. Yup there are really stupid people out there among us.


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