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Sunday, November 17, 2019

BREAKING: At least 6 hurt in shooting at California high school, suspect at large: Live updates

At least six people were taken to hospitals after a shooting at a high school in Southern California Thursday morning, according to the Los Angeles County Fire Department. The search is now on for the suspect as terrified students evacuate the campus and reunite with their parents.

Deputies have swarmed the scene at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, about 35 miles north of downtown Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.

The number of injuries are fluctuating.

While fire officials reported six people hospitalized, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said at least three people, all students, were hurt, including at least one gunshot victim.



  1. Several hurt in California school shooting, gunman caught

  2. Everytime Democrats have a bad media day it’s always followed by a shooting

    1. Strange how that works 🤫🤔

  3. Radio news said hospital confirmed 1 dead.

  4. We really need to start asking why our young minds are being warped..we did not have this problem when i went to HS.in fact guns were allowed back then. I think it a luciferian plot, they removed GOD from our central core values, treat kids with physo active drugs, single famlies, video games etc..if you think video games, Atention DD drugs and Godless ness are not key factors here. Your living in fantasy land.

    1. You are sooo right when we started allowing bleeding hearts kids emotions and parents denials to rule, it caused tyranny. Some things never loose there shine. Discipline, structure and healthy fear, made for a better educational environment. We are now reaping what was sowed.

  5. Gun free CALIFORNIA.

  6. 1:26pm. Please keep posting, you are so entertaining!!

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We really need to start asking why our young minds are being warped..we did not have this problem when i went to HS.in fact guns were allowed back then. I think it a luciferian plot, they removed GOD from our central core values, treat kids with physo active drugs, single famlies, video games etc..if you think video games, Atention DD drugs and Godless ness are not key factors here. Your living in fantasy land.

    November 14, 2019 at 1:26 PM

  7. Northwest Woodsman: How about they disarm every law abiding California citizen and see how that works.

  8. He should be charged as a Terrorist & turned over to the
    Military for a quick trial & EXECUTION , Promptly !!!!

    Firing Squad too !!! Not a needle

  9. Heard that the shooter is African American... won't hear about this story for long, I hate to say...

    1. Smh. Here children and educators were terrorized and murdered and you are worried about the race of the shooter. I don't know who is more sick, you or the shooter. Ignorance must be bliss. You are both wrong and dumb. Prayers and deepest sympathies to the families and that community

    2. His name is Nathaniel Berhow, he doesn't look black to me...

  10. 5:52 Right then he will be Released No Doubt !!!

  11. Thank God this really didn't happen because California is a gun-free zone!

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Yet Another example of a deranged individual who telegraphed his intentions and multiple people ignored the warning signs for god knows what reason. My guess is that if you asked any of the students familiar with him, you would find that they had him pegged as a mental case but did nothing to interfere or intervene. We have become too sensitive to the feelings of others and as a result, fail to take action when it is obviously necessary. Touchy-feely feminist influence contributes to a lot of this lack of confrontation necessary to stop these incidents.

  13. Alot of these shooters are not Your average problem child. They re the result and residue of those having to be exposed to the ones terrorizing and appear to be snapping. Years of exposure will make u snap. No excuse but honestly it's true. And if we don't buckle down around here, we are headed for making national news in a bad and scary way.

  14. Intelligence always recruits compromised individuals to run these Psyops.


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