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Sunday, November 17, 2019

‘Baby Trump’ balloon slashed at Alabama-LSU game, Hoyt Hutchinson charged

A protest against the president at Tuscaloosa’s Monnish Park ended abruptly after a man slashed a large “Baby Trump” balloon.

Witnesses said the incident happened shortly before kickoff of the Alabama-LSU game. President Donald Trump attended the game at Bryant-Denny Stadium.

“Officers observed Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, age 32 of Tuscaloosa, AL, cut into the “Baby Trump” balloon, and then attempted (sic) to flee the area. Officers apprehended the suspect and took him into custody on a charge of Criminal Mischief First Degree. Hoyt was transported to Tuscaloosa County Jail where he was held on a $2,500 bond,” a statement from Tuscaloosa police read.



  1. "It is rare to get that kind of anger,” Kennedy said.

    Yes it is rare for a trump supporter or a constitutional conservative to get angry and do a childish thing like that. That is why it'll make big news. On the other hand the left are extremely angry dangerous violent cruel people. And they probably would have been allowed to get away with this. And it probably would not have made news since it is so prevalent on the left.

  2. I thought that the right was not violent?

    1. You'll find out about violence if you dimocrats continue to lie and make false accusations for the sole purpose of bringing the winner of the 2016 presidential election down

  3. He's a true Patriot. Recommend he be invited to the White House to receive the Medal of Honor...

  4. The Gofundme account that they set up for him is up to 37k and rising!

  5. I read a comment on Twitter about this. It said "That's the only baby the Democrats don't want cut up" something to that effect

  6. Ya'll are crazy.

    Criminal commits a criminal act, somehow ya'll find a way to twist it to make it about liberals, and then donate 37+ thousand dollars to a criminal.

    The cognitive dissonance is strong.

    A guy commits an illegal activity, someone here calls him a "patriot" (I'm looking at you TheRealRay"). I bet you'd have a melt down if it were the other way around wouldn't you?

    See, that's what the problem really is. This partisanship has poisoned you and clouded your better judgement. This guy committed a criminal act, and damaged someone else's property. Were it the other team doing it you would be aghast... and so should you when anyone does it.. INCLUDING your own team.

    1. Preach that crap to NYC police officer having cars and uniforms. Preach that crap to Andy the journalist who was attacked at berkley. Teach that crap to all the scum in the cities that think it funny to cold dock 80 year old man. Preach that crap to the communist who are tearing down monuments. See ya comrad

    2. trump 2020 , 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040November 18, 2019 at 3:24 PM

      The left is always physically attacking Christian white folks...

      it's about time someone fought back against the anti trump goon balls

  7. Great Trumpers. Destruction of private property okay if you support it

  8. 2500 dollar bond for damaging a balloon? Wow... he is not a flight risk and doesn’t have a criminal history. Just wow.

  9. Give me a break 11:08 The Liberal Loons destroy anything related to pro Trump. They don't allow free speech on their campuses. Countless Pro Trump supports have been assaulted and brutalized. They attempt to shut down businesses that refuse to align with their twisted views. Too many offenses to list here. Let one man cut a balloon and the Libs lose the last few brain cells they have left.

  10. 3:30

    You said it correctly.

    Maybe it is about time to give these libtard a-holes a taste of their own medicine.

    Give them no quarter!

  11. The baby Trump balloon will be at the White Marlin Open in 2020

  12. @ November 11, 2019 at 3:30 PM

    So, lemme see if I understand your argument.

    In form it's: "They did bad stuff, so it's o.k. for us to do bad stuff."

    Is that what I'm getting? So, if someone on the other team commits a crime, it then negates the fact that it's a crime?

    This is the problem. Your partisanship has poisoned your better judgement and clouded your thinking. This is not how it works, nor should it ever be how it works.


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