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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

WJZ Baltimore: This is Baltimore - 1959


  1. That was Baltimore
    No more

  2. Long before the race baiting began. Long before busing began. Long before the historical murder rate. Long before affirmative action. Long before government assistance. Long before corrupt teacher's unions. It happened in EVERY major city in America. When you give UNDERSERVING people EVERYTHING FREE. THEY DON'T APPRECIATE IT!!

    1. Your absolutely right. We gave minorities everything to help them succeed. And all they did was ruin EVERYTHING. I remember 60 minutes back in the day somewhere in Baltimore. They just built a new 12 million dollar building for section 8. It was beautiful. Then they went back 6 MONTHS later. The place looked like Beruit. Doors off hinges. Railings missing. Windows smashed. Etc. They don't deserve a Damm thing.

  3. This is awesome! To me, this is when America truly was great! Thank you so much for sharing this.

  4. Baltimore has had a democratic mayor since 1971. Only 9 of 51 of mayors have been Republicans since 1808. The 2 prior to 1808 were not affiliated with anything, they just got it, like how some police officers are handed rank just because they kiss ass (CPD).

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Notice that they mention diversification of industry but not people. Within just a few years, Marxist democrats went off the rails and succeeded in passing legislation whose only purpose was to increase their voter base. Lyndon Johnson boldly stated that because of legislation passed, he would have a certain group voting democrat for the next 200 years. He appears to be correct in his assumption. I was a junior at Snow Hill High School when this video was produced and all I can say is I wish we could return to those days and start over given the knowledge of what resulted from maneuvering for political gain. Really sad.

  6. I remember in the early ‘40 s getting on a bus in Fort Meade to go to the movies in Balt, after which an ice cream cone or malted choc shake, spent an hour in the magic store on the second floor, then the bus ride back home.... Pleasant memories.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: 8:24, I agree with you completely. Have seen that scenario in every state and city where I have resided. We all know wherein the problem comes from but no one wants to admit it publicly because of it being of a sensitive nature to certain segments of our society. Unless we get over that hurdle, things will only get worse. Our forefathers knew this and spoke up about it but somewhere along the line we have fallen into the rut of allowing it to continue because we are evil if we broach the subject and bring it to the attention of low information individuals who believe the propaganda put forth by the federal government and the media collaborators.


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