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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

9-year-old boy accused of setting deadly fire appears in court on murder charges

Eureka, Illinois — A 9-year-old boy accused of setting fire to his family home appeared in Illinois court Monday. Kyle Alwood was charged with five counts of first-degree murder and various counts of arson for the killing of five of his relatives on one night in April. Prosecutors say the boy intentionally set the blaze.

CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett was in the courtroom where the judge laid out the charges against the boy. Barnett said Kyle was barely visible above the back of his chair, and his feet barely touched the ground. During the arraignment, Alwood's attorney had to explain some of the terms the judge used, including the words "alleged," "arson" and "residents."

Kyle left the courtroom in tears with his arms crossed, escorted by his paternal grandfather, Barnett added.


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