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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trump's Labeling of 'Fake News' Was an Understatement

Journalism isn't just dead — it's decomposed.

When Chris Wallace — in all Deep State unctuousness — asked Mick Mulvaney on Fox News Sunday to comment on a "well-connected Republican" who allegedly told Wallace there was a 20 percent chance the GOP would vote to remove the president from office, he not only was aiding in that decomposition, he was picking up a shovel and helping dig its grave.

Wallace didn't identify who this "well-connected Republican" is or what he actually said in context, just the tidbit the host wanted to tell us. What Wallace was doing was engaging in propaganda, creating a smear based on the flimsiest hearsay.



  1. Everybody who is awake understands that intelligence took over all media many years ago. It is all propaganda. All of it.

    Including Mr Trump’s ridiculous character.

  2. Including breitbart and infowars which is unfortunately cited more often than it should be, which is never!


    News !!!! FACT ie CBS / NBC / CNN

  4. Trump is only here to promote his brand.

  5. FAKE NEWS = Hannity , Carlson and Ingram

  6. Trump often quotes "many people" as sayig whatever claim he has that comes to mind. But you mad at Wallace. Lol

  7. Romney well connected to the democrat party

  8. President Trump is the BEST President we ever have had. Trump 2020

  9. The Deep State/CIA took over the News Many years ago...for anyone my age or older you will get this. The younger population will not get it because they Don't remember when the corrupt, lying, censoring started. Newt Gingrich called it out when he was running for president several years ago and it caught on quickly by the conservatives...President Trump took it and ran with it because he knew full well he was Spot On. Trust the Plan...BTW, their ratings are in the tank.

  10. There are few " actual " journalists anymore the surplus of Media has made them all talking heads and celebrities in their own minds and often in those that believe and or agree with them. Many now don't even have to present anything factual they have their own cult of believers to deem it Truth or Fake in their own minds as it fits their ill informed beliefs. It's a commodity that divides and conquers with little of actual substance to sell or bank on other than advertising backers and people eat it up one side or the other as it makes them feel justified and RIGHT.

  11. It's more than that!! this is a luciferian conspiracy. Lies, deception, hatred,division..this is what they preach..this is what they write about..this is their mantra.


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