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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beto Is Wrong About Everything and He'll Soon Be Gone

Horse Mouth O'Rourke is really upping his desperation candidate game:

If a scientist said "Hello" to Beto I would doubt he'd understand it. O'Rourke is the dumbest Democrat still standing, which is saying a lot in a field that includes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Because most celebrities are stupid, Beto still has a lot of entertainment industry support.

What Beto doesn't understand is that he is nothing more than a product of the mainstream media's "Turn Texas Blue" fever dream. He was never going to win his Senate race against Ted Cruz and now he is a weaker version of Pete Buttigieg, offering no real tactical advantage to Democratic voters.



  1. No one in the Democratic group has distanced themselves from the rest.Not one single one has a chance unless they embrace the changes Trump has made.If one could promise to maintain the progress Trump has made they might have a chance.Being locked in the hard left lane is a guarantee of failure.

  2. What part of our national debt being the highest it's ever been do you consider progress 12:09?

    1. The national debt is the highest it’s ever been because of Obama and the Democrats. Under his administration it doubled since Bush. The progress being made is jobs are up, govt assistance is down, bad trade deals are being reversed, so the hole is not getting deeper as fast it takes time for it to come back around be patient. Vote Trump 2020!!

  3. His polling is so low, even his kids don't know who he is!


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