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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

'There is no quid pro quo': Devin Nunes says John Ratcliffe 'destroyed' diplomat in deposition

Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe "destroyed" a key U.S. diplomat during a closed-door deposition, according to a fellow Republican congressman who was present.

William Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, appeared before House investigators on Tuesday as part of an impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said leaks that led to headlines about how the diplomat said President Trump tied security aid for Ukraine to investigations into the Biden family are misleading.

"The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo," Nunes told Fox News host Sean Hannity.



  1. What a joke these GOP reps are making of themselves. Trum is toast and he's taking these clowns with him.

    1. Democrats are the ones making fools out of themselves yet again... it’s all about stopping Barr from handing down indictments tick tock

  2. Deflect much 4:23. Lies deception and hate is all the dems have...TRUMP is the BEST, but you cant stand his stance against this NWO establishment status quo..your friggin clueless and ignorant to beleve these lies, obstruction and deflection from the real criminals behind this.. YOU! THE MEDIA! AND GLOBAL NEW WORLD ORDER LUCIFERIANS hiding within our republic. You and your ilk are traitors to the very core. Sedition at its best!!

  3. Democrats are a dumpster fire. Nancy has destroyed the party and is creating case laws that will forever change the party. The democrats are a socialist/anti Christian and anti free speech party... ridiculous the fired FBI agents are free and not facing jail.


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