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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Clinton Foundation Bilked $130 Million From Australia – After 2016 Election Directors Fled Country from Headquarters Housed in a Shack on a Dirt Road Outside Melbourne

The Clinton Foundation reportedly milked over $130 million from Australians over the past couple decades. After the 2016 election, Clinton Foundation directors in Australia bailed and left the Australian headquarters – a shack on a dirt road outside Melbourne.

An Internet sleuth posted an incredible story regarding the Clinton Foundation in Australia. The story is another shocking example of the corrupt sham that the Clintons used to pillage individuals and countries around the world.

The story begins with the author noting the connections between Alexander Downer and Spygate –



  1. Yet, nothing is done to them. WHY AREN'T THEY BOTH IN PRISON???

  2. Unbelievable, there is just no end the Clinton corruption.

  3. They're still spending it.

  4. Here is what I find funny:

    The Clintons were obviously told by their bosses (financiers, bankers) that they had "cover" for these money making schemes. So they engaged countless schemes over the years to enrich themselves.

    Now that the bosses (financiers, bankers) no longer need their services, the Clintons are being thrown under the buss publicly. Keep in mind the financiers and bankers own the stocks of the media companies.

    Now that is rich. Or funny.

  5. 5:29 when dealing with the luciferisn bankers what do you expect...they had hoped for more during 911 and the follow up death tol fell short also
    ? This is satanic forces we are dealing with ...HE DONT CARE!!!

  6. Just think, the Clinton foundation has never been audited by the I.R.S.. But Trump is audited every year. Deep State corruption.


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