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Thursday, October 03, 2019

Siberian Trash Dump Becomes A Medieval Fortress

Siberian rubbish dump staff have turned their workplace into a marvelous medieval tourist attraction.

Garbage dumps and trash heaps are generally not regarded as potential tourist attractions and most of us avoid them at all costs fearing diseases and seagull attacks. But a landfill site in the Siberian town of Irkutsk has been converted into a remarkable medieval fortress and it’s stunning stricture holds shades of a Robin Hood play crossed with a post- apocalyptic Mad Max type movie.

Tons of scrap metals have been hammered, welded and polished into an army of dozens of knights and horses who line up guarding the fortress’ gates and fences. The site continues to serve as an operating trash dump but doubles up as what a report in The Metro call a free open-air museum , and the dump director, Aleksandr Rastorguev, says he was inspired after noticing lots of washing machines and heating appliances like electrical irons, and one day it came to him to do something with these items - something with a “historical theme”.


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