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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Seattle Public Schools Teaching Kids That Math is Racist, Oppressive

If you believe that one plus one equals two – you might be a racist.

The Seattle School District announced plans to infuse math class with ethnic studies questions.

They are teaching the kids that math was appropriated by western culture and used in systems of power and oppression.

The school district says it’s all part of a movement to re-humanize math. The new lessons ask questions like “How important is it to be right?” and “Who gets to say if an answer is right?”

The district’s framework includes themes on resistance and liberation. They also want to illustrate how math and science have been used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color.



  1. And day by day, our students fall behind the rest of the world.

  2. Again. Blacks can't do it?? IT'S RACIST. LMAO

    1. Everytime they flash the race card now it'll continue to mean nothing and further display their ignorance...

  3. George Orwell must of been a profit, or just able to see the future.

  4. Try to build a house without math.

  5. So because the Black Students can't do math and their parents don't help them at home; now it's racist to teach math. This is SICK. period...let's just continue to dumb down our students at every level and at every turn. NOT on my watch...if you want to continue to dumb down your children; have at it. YOUR choice.

    1. Sorry but it is not j is just plain racist. In any WAWA, WALMART, 7-11 or any other of the quicky mart, big box store and if it were not for the computerized cash register 96.78% of the clerks wouldn't be able to give you the right change for a 69 cent purchase out of $1.00! Guaranteed!!

  6. That's right, keep your students stupid and poor. What a life they prepare them for. 20 years from now, those same students will be suing the schools for not giving them an education that they could earn a living with.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: This has to be a joke. No one could possibly come up with a thought like this and actually be serious about it. By the way, I hated math and avoided math classes all the way through college.

  8. I firmly believe they have already been lobotomized and used by the Army to study the long term effects of LSD on future educators during the 1960's and 1970's!!

  9. So white people are at fault because blacks cannot add one plus one? Just like we are at fault for so many black women being way overweight?


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