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Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Viewer Writes........Roundabout Constructions Starts Friday

Jake Day's roundabout begins Friday morning, the busiest day of the week. That intersection will never be the same again thanks to Boy Wonder!


  1. Just doesn’t make sense. Stupid decision.

  2. It also starts while division st is still under construction. Never seen nothing like it in my lifetime.

  3. No, it won’t be effected. Wish it were.
    It will be affected. 😡

  4. There isn't enough room to handle this round about!

    It's already very congested at rush hour.

    I don't want to imagine what kind of congestion and hardship this will cause businesses and residents as well as those who have to go into Salisbury to work each day!

    This construction will spill into Business 13. I see major backups and messes around this part of Salisbury.

    It's going to make it very difficult to navigate in and around Salisbury!

  5. Wow I actually thought this was a joke. He has no idea what he is doing! A roundabout will never work with the traffic lights just after it. My god salisbury needs Wayne King ASAP!!

  6. Vote out Day!!!!!!

  7. I swear, this boy just can't find enough $hit to screw up around that area. I was just at the hospital parking garage today
    I still can't believe the moron that developed the bike lane at the entrance to the ER, the outpatient center, and the Layfield Tower. They put those big ass blocks on the road so you tear your damn car up if you hit them. They should have put wide rumble strips instead of that crap. It's almost a " I'll show you" thing. You run over on my bike lane, I'll tear your car up. Man what a stupid bunch is running Salisbury now. I hope if King wins, he does just what Trump did to Odummer, dismantle all damage this boy has created. And get downtown back in order! It's an absolute embarrassment to look at that $hit hole down there and not see any progress. Man I hate downtown Salisbury these days.A figgin' $hit hole.

    1. Well spoken 3:10
      Boy day has to go

  8. Affect vs effect Look it up.

  9. I heard on the news right out of the mouth of the city spokesmen, that this round about will create a safer passage for pedestrians and bicyclist. Do we really have that many non drivers using that road?

  10. I heard the state told him it was stupid move and he decided to do it anyways?

  11. Kid with an erector kit.

  12. Cant fix democrat stupid its in there DNA, its a Stalin/MAO complex

  13. Boy Genius strikes again.

  14. 3:17 You got the point. No good take? Point out a flaw in someones appearance, writing skill and grammar. Genius.

    3:25 That's why we created roads in the first place... not for vehicles, but for people walking, biking or on a hoover board. /sarcasm

    3:58 No, you didn't. Have another shot.

  15. Love all the naysayers. It’s a done deal so let’s just see how it works out.

    1. And see how much money is wasted

  16. This will be interesting.

  17. Excess traffic being created on side streets. College Avenue will increase from the College to Riverside Drive. Directly through Residential area. This area and others in that area will be effected.

  18. He's trying to get it started before the election.

  19. Have another shot.


  20. I just want to cry. I work on Riverside Drive. No way is there enough room for a roundabout there. It’s going to be a cluster. Based on what sad work I’ve seen by the zoo, I’m not expecting this to go well or make sense.


  21. Will Joke be hiring lifeguards for his drownabout? Incredible!

  22. Jake Day is a real idiot. WTH!!

  23. WTH, Jake Day?? Are you insane?

  24. This is where Jake Day is flaunting his urban planning training and he is ramming down our throats and this lame a$$ city council is rubber-stamping everything he does.

    Guess what people. If Jakey Boi was so good at planning he would have a high paying job, not this fake job immitating a mare at $25,000 per year.

  25. Roundabout, like Waverly Drive, will be an unmitigated disaster. Traffic lights at Fitzwater and Rt. 50 will render the roundabout useless as backups cause cars to sit in the roundabout and cars from both Carroll Street and Riverside Drive all fight to get through the next cycles of those lights. Waverly Drive has caused traffic jams that never existed from Carroll Street past the hospital when employees are leaving the hospital via Waverly. Since two left turn lanes at Waverly and Carroll have been reduced to just one, and that one left turn lane can't be accessed until vehicles are halfway down the hill past the hospital's entrance, cars making a left now back up past the light at the hospital's entrance and vehicles leaving the hospital further exacerbate the issue by trying to get out into the intersection before their light turns red again. Additionally, many vehicles in what is now the right hand turn only lane at Waverly and Carroll don't make a right and cause a traffic hazard as they then attempt to turn left from the right hand turn lane. Meanwhile most of the people that ride bikes in that area continue riding their bikes not in the new bike lanes, but down the center of the road, against traffic in the southbound lane of Waverly, and on the sidewalks.


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