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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lawyer: Illegal Alien Charged with Murdering Four Americans Unfit for Death Penalty Due to Low IQ

An illegally-present alien accused of murdering four Americans over the course of a week in Nevada is set to claim that he is “intellectually disabled” in order to avoid the death penalty.

Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, a 20-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was charged with murdering 56-year-old Connie Koontz, 74-year-old Sophia Renken, 81-year-old Gerald David, and his 80-year-old wife, Sharon David, between January 10 and 15 after prosecutors said he was looking to steal money from his victims to buy more meth. The state of Nevada is seeking the death penalty.

To avoid the death penalty, though, Martinez-Guzman will seek to the deemed “intellectually disabled” which would make him ineligible for the death penalty, the Associated Press reports:



  1. All the more reason to needle him!

  2. Should have NEVER been taken in. Leave them where you found them.

  3. If he gets leniency, forget the law like it forgets it's citizen, hunt him down and slowly painfully kill him. I'm sure there's some good ole boys in Nevada that can get this done

  4. And he's still eligible to vote libby at all polls...

  5. I'm sorry if you are so unfit to contribute to society Darwinism has to intervene at some level. Otherwise the movie "Idiocracy" will be coming true soon than anyone thought. If a person is a danger to society they should not be coveted and protected they need to be purged and forgotten. Remembered and idiolizing of mass murderers is a main problem with some of today's crazy people that intend to one-up their idols in more gruesome ways. The media doesn't help with the up to the minute buzz feeds of the latest hot topic without any validity, fact interpretation of the sort it's all about what we tell you is what you need to know. This world is recoverable but will be a massive undertaking.

  6. Exactly 4:14! Leniency towards criminals, murderers, rapists and child perverts is a Democrat Party thing. They want them to vote from prison now. Fools.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Defense attorneys disgust me. They will represent an obviously guilty person by any means necessary and manipulate facts even including making up their own facts to support their clients story which the attorney probably fabricated himself. I have sat through more criminal trials and testified more times than I can count and it is always the same. Preposterous stories that, unfortunately, low IQ, ignorant juries frequently fall for.


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