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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Drug Cartel Just Defeated The Mexican Military In Battle

The southwest U.S. border might be quieter now than it was this spring at the height of the migrant crisis, but south of the Rio Grande the Mexican state is disintegrating.

Last Thursday in the city of Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, a battle erupted between government forces and drug cartel gunmen after the Mexican military captured two sons of jailed drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. The elder son, Ivan, was quickly freed by his men, who overpowered government forces and secured his release. Ivan then launched an all-out siege of the entire city in an effort to free his younger brother, Ovidio.

The ensuing scene could have been mistaken for Syria or Yemen. Footage posted on social media Thursday showed burning vehicles spewing black smoke, heavily armed gunmen blocking roads, dead bodies strewn in the streets, and residents fleeing for cover amid high-caliber gunfire.

Armed with military-grade weapons and driving custom-built armored vehicles, cartel henchmen targeted security forces throughout Culiacan, launching more than one dozen separate attacks on Mexican security forces. They captured and held hostage eight soldiers, then kidnapped their families. Amid the fighting, an unknown number of inmates escaped from a nearby prison. At least eight people were killed and more than a dozen were injured.



  1. “Drug Cartel” aka “CIA”

    Intelligence runs the drug trade worldwide.

    1. you need to tighten your tinfoil hat

    2. 7:16 gust because you didn't see it on CNN don't mean it not true. Silly boot licker.

  2. Our entire government is corrupt. President Trump has helped us see just how much.

  3. The Democrats love NEWS like this, since they have nothing since the 60's, or earlier, and have allowed it to bring drugs into the US.

  4. I wonder where the cartel got all those guns. Fast and furious rings a bell.

  5. We should just annex Mexico and all of Central and South America and exploit the resources and their people THERE rather than they coming here. Put Christian Missionaries up against the Cartels.

  6. "we" should annex Mexico, or "The US Government" should annex Mexico?

    Which one is it?

    Not trying to be silly here, but you and me have absolutely nothing to do with it. We are subjects under this government already. You are suggesting the evil Empire go ahead and enslave the Mexican citizens too.

    They take 50% of your (and mine) income and tell us what to do and how much to pay for permission.
    And you are cheering them on?

    Wake up

  7. The US government is extremely corrupt.
    You have to be well connected and always donating money to get the goodies
    Once you are in though it is a gravy train.
    People collecting rent for run down properties paid by government so guaranteed income.

  8. Mexico sell us drugs and we provide their weapons. Seems fair to me

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Soon to be coming to your town or city thanks to Marxist democrats and all others intent on destroying what remains of our country by promoting unrestricted immigration.

  10. Davy Crockett is turning over in his grave. All that fighting at the Alamo was for naught.


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