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Thursday, October 03, 2019

Jake's Piggy Bank Is Our Tax Dollars

Downtown Salisbury is his friend's and his personal playground -

From the Independent:

Main Street/North Division Street Streetscape - $8,400,000
Camden Street Streetscape - $400,000
Circle Avenue Streetscape: - $500,000
That's $9,300,000 that we could use to help the neighborhoods. Where the tax payers live. The people. I would use funds like this to beautify the neighborhoods where our forgotten people are. The people that live outside the downtown. This is why I ask for your vote on November 5th.

Wayne King
Candidate for Mayor of Salisbury

HERE is a recap of some of what Jake has planned. Article from 1/02/19 - Where is he going to get the people to patronize these places? The people in Salisbury do not exactly have hundred dollar bills falling out of their pockets with their minimum wage jobs.


  1. You have our vote from your friend on Washington St.

  2. Jake’s projected start dates are way off. The roundabout was to have been started in March/April but still no evidence of construction.

    1. They moved electric poles this week

  3. I think jake the snake needs to be audited. My guess is he has been getting kickbacks. Follow the money.

  4. I.hate.Jake.and.everthing.he.stands.for. ALL city residents, vote Wayne King for mayor. From the forgotten residents who don't like the downtown BS.

  5. When will the road, curbing, and sidewalk be finished on Rt 13 south of the hospital ? This road has been torn up for years.

  6. Developing the downtown core will bring in people from outside. Those people will spend money. More businesses will come. It's basic. I appreciate your desire to help the neighborhoods, but that's not a way to drive revenue.

  7. They could have fixed streets that are in severe disrepair throughout Salisbury neighborhoods.


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