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Thursday, October 03, 2019

'It's a whole hoax': Trump unloads his fury as whistleblower questions snowball

First came the diplomacy, the gentle celebration in the grand White House East Room of close ties with Finland in honor of the day’s guest. Then came the questions about the whistleblower, impeachment proceedings, and subpoenas.

“It’s a whole hoax, and you know who’s playing into the hoax? People like you and the fake news media,” said President Trump, voice raised as he tried to shut down the freewheeling press conference. “And I say in many cases the corrupt media, because you’re corrupt.”

He paused and pointed to his guest, who had stood silently beside him for almost 15 minutes.

“Ask the president of Finland a question,” he said, before wading in to answer the next question on free trade himself.



  1. All true of course.
    The catch: Mr Trump is part of the hoax.

    We are being played by the intelligence operation that is running this Psyop on the American Public

    1. 639

      Dude, sounds like some good chit your token man

      Mind if we drop by dude???

  2. The REAL Hoax is and I fell for too is we bought into his branded hype. Billionaire Businessman that spoke his mind off the cuff and pandered to coal miners,working people,veterans and bikers alike with his tacky rude and vulgar reality show mentality and assured us he could be " Presidential " yeah if he could check his ego and keep his mouth shut and now he's back peddling like every other deal he's defaulted on and bankrupted and left working people wondering. I knew this would not go well. His loose cannon mystique is alluring but he is proving to be a ridiculous embarrassment to not only the party and office but history itself. If he were doing the job properly as he promised the Democrats would have nothing but he is a paranoid egomaniac thinking he is Gods appointed global deal maker and is digging his own hole. Yeah drain the swamp of all of them he included.

    1. None of that made sense considering the 50 million dollars Russian hoax. The problem you trolls have is the dems should have NEVER investigated him instead just use fools like yourself to repeat ridiculous story’s. But they screwed up and proved he has had the most qualified background search for President in history. The dems have sold our country to the highest bidder and its all coming out. Sad to see but it’s time... My pension and 401 has gotten bigger, my insurance didn’t go up and meds got cheaper. Few more years I might get ahead. I’m happy.

  3. Trump should force a vote on impeachment on the house floor before giving any documents.

  4. Go smoke some more crack 6:39

  5. Damn scary that the deep State is doing this to the American people.

  6. Prosecute the so called "whistle blower" who is NOT a
    whistleblower , but is a criminal for Breaching security
    of the POTUS & foreign Leaders , by listening in, on their
    Private & Top level conversations , That are Secret in nature

    It is Nobody's business what they were, or were not saying !!

    Including those damn Demon-crats in Congress , who like to play Kangaroo- Court !!! Take their so-called Oversight
    Powers AWAY > They are NOT a court of Law > and they
    use what they have > to get around court Rules & Laws !!!

  7. Remember when Obama treated whistle blowers as spies and investigated them all? The difference was, they were leaking much more serious offenses of the corrupt Obama officials.


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