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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Feminist book's publisher cancels US release after one radio host dismantled her premise

Thank goodness for small mercies.

Feminist author Naomi Wolf’s publisher has canceled the U.S. release of her new book, Outrages: Sex, Censorship, and the Criminalization of Love, after its entire premise seemed to collapse in May following a brutal on-air interview with the BBC.

“On Monday, a spokeswoman for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt said in an email that Ms. Wolf and the publisher 'mutually and amicably agreed to part company,'" the New York Times reported this week, adding that Wolf “confirmed the parting.”

The decision to “part company” comes months after Houghton Mifflin Harcourt already suspended its scheduled release of Wolf’s book, recalling thousands of already-distributed copies at a great financial cost to itself, following her disastrous interview with BBC’s Matthew Sweet.



  1. I wish the same would happen to those that publish fake global warming nonsense!

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Interesting how facts get in the way of Marxist liberal programs and publications. Freedom of speech and facts are just so inconvenient to them so we probably give in to them and eliminate both. Maybe the way to making radical change would be to acquiesce to their demands which would be disastrous which, in turn, might lead to us rational, patriotic citizens to stand up and do what is best for our country.


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