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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

17 White City Employees Sue Flint, Michigan for Racial Discrimination, Sexual Harassment

The City of Flint Michigan is in the news yet again for potentially questionable city management after 10 men and seven women filed a lawsuit on October 17 alleging that the City of Flint, colice chief Timothy Johnson, and city human resources Manager Makini Jackson displayed "a pattern of discrimination and harassment" according to ABC 12 News.
via ABC 12 News:

Throughout the 24-page document, Attorney Dean Yeotis laid out claims of reverse discrimination, citing multiple times when one of the 17 was the most qualified for a higher position, but was never given the opportunity.

Instead, the lawsuit claimed, some were demoted and others were passed up. Each time, it said, the person who received the position was an African American, who in most instances, either didn't have the qualifications, scored lower them one of the 17 on the promotion exam, or in one case, the person was "hired off the street."

The female police officers also claimed sexual harassment at the hands of Deputy Chief Devon Bernritter and Sgt. Tyrone Booth.


  1. Interesting how the worm turns, isn't it?

  2. it is not "reverse discrimination" it is discrimination

  3. Good, this goes on all the time but the Gov protects them

  4. Jobs have been lost like this for 50 years.

  5. Exactly 9:12 ! I hate it when people imply that only one race discriminates, and when another does it is "reverse"

  6. SHA in Salisbury is the same way 90/10%.


    1. I get a laugh Everytime I see these guys out on the roads. One guy out working while 3-4 sitting in the truck or the best is when their out on route 50 supposed to be cutting grass sleeping inside the cab of the tractor

  7. Not surprising. I used to work in a drug and alcohol treatment center. As you can imagine. Most of the so called councilors were black males. They were asking ALL the woman (who they were supposed to help) out on dates. Taking advantage of them when they were at their weakest. You can't trust them. They talk about equality and respect. But once they get some power. They abuse it and it's payback time. We ALL have seen it.

  8. Look around salisbury today. It seems like the postal service is following these same practices

  9. It's almost impossible to remove them from a government position

  10. There is one #1 male who works for a local county government walks in and says Trump should be shot then climbs into his local govt truck and heads to West road to get his 2-24ounce cans of breakfast.


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