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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Congress looks to remove ‘illegal alien’ from federal use

WASHINGTON – Just three years ago, the words “oriental” and “negro” were removed from federal laws and regulations, after a bill to ban the offensive words unanimously passed Congress.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-New York, pushed the legislation through, under the premise that words matter, and can cause harm and division.

Another attempt to change the federal government’s vocabulary is underway, but unlike its predecessor in 2016, the bill seems far less likely to fly through Congress.

The term proposed for the chopping block is “illegal alien,” under legislation sponsored by Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas.



  1. Oh boy that seems like a real priority for Congress to be worrying about

  2. Next, it will be an undocumented citizen.

  3. In a little while the dilemma of identifying extraterrestrial aliens will really confuse the illegal alien issue.When they begin to infiltrate our society people will go bonkers.

  4. How about just remove the illegal aliens?

  5. They are aliens and are here illegally so that is what they should be called.

  6. I'm with 3:01pm. Exactly what is the problem? Is what they have done not illegal? Or are they not aliens? Or is there something wrong with using correct terminology? Or is there something wrong with saying anything that someone somewhere may decide is offensive to them? Or is it reasonable that it should be illegal to offend anyone about anything, anywhere, at any time? I'm becoming more and more concerned about galloping stupidity.

  7. How the he'll is either offensive, especially oriental? Its still used as a race selection for the MVA!

  8. Democrats are always trying to soften something for the liberals. If you are here illegally without permission then you are an illegal alien and not an immigrant.

  9. Simply amazing effort to control the minds of the population
    Amazing indeed

  10. criminal non-citizens or unnaturalized trespassers or rogue de-nationalist or un-entitled leeches.


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