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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Baltimore’s Climate Change Lawsuit Against Energy Companies Can Proceed, Supremes Say

The Supreme Court allowed the city of Baltimore to proceed with its climate change lawsuit against two dozen fossil fuel companies Tuesday, after the corporate defendants asked the justices to put the dispute on hold.

The oil and natural gas companies — among them BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and Royal Dutch Shell — are fighting to move Baltimore’s lawsuit out of a Maryland state court into a federal court. They wanted the justices to stop state court proceedings while they fight to remove the dispute to a federal forum.

“It is difficult to imagine claims that more clearly implicate substantial questions of federal law and require uniform disposition than the claims at issue here, which seek to transform the nation’s energy, environmental, national security, and foreign policies by punishing energy companies for lawfully supplying necessary oil and gas resources,” the corporations told the high court in legal filings.



  1. Democrats!! They do nothing constructive just out for all the "free" money they can get

  2. the oil companies should just refuse to sell to these idiots and see what happens. These judges are a JOKE

  3. wouldnt that be something if all fossil fuel companies would just decide you dont want us we will stop all flow to Baltimore. Bet it wouldnt be long before the citizens jumped in

  4. The suit is for "climate change".

    But I notice the US Military, Bechtel Corporation, and Halliburton are not implicated in the law suit?
    Why not?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    The US Military covert Solar Radiation Management program is larger than any damage caused by simple combustion of petroleum products. (Fossil Fuel is simply hilarious on its face)

  5. Cant fix stupid in MD comrades..leave now before its to late. My house is on the market and cant wait to leave MD as a bad memory

  6. They are worried about climate change. But foot long RATS walking the streets are OK?? TELL ME THESE PEOPLE AREN'T FREAKING STUPID,??


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