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Monday, September 23, 2019

Trump charges media with protecting Biden on Ukraine story

President Trump said Saturday the media is “fabricating” a story about him pressuring the president of Ukraine to investigate the son of Democrat frontrunner Joseph R. Biden, while ignoring a story about Mr. Biden essentially blackmailing Ukrainian leaders to lay off his son.

“The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, want to stay as far away as possible from the Joe Biden demand that the Ukrainian Government fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, or they won’t get a very large amount of U.S. money, so they fabricate a story about me and a perfectly fine and routine conversation I had with the new President of the Ukraine,” Mr. Trump said in a tweet.

Campaigning in Iowa, Mr. Biden angrily accused the President Saturday of “using every element of his presidency to try and smear me.” He called for an investigation into Mr. Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president.

“You should be asking him the question: Why is he on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader?” Mr. Biden said. “This appears to be an overwhelming abuse of power. The House should investigate. To get on the phone with a foreign leader who is looking for help from the United States and ask about me and imply things … this is outrageous. You have never seen anything like this from any President.”

Mr. Biden angrily jabbed his finger at a reporter who asked if he had ever spoken to his son about his foreign business dealings, and said he hadn’t.



  1. No, not a fake Congressional Hearing. I want the FBI and the DOJ to investigate. Maybe we need a special prosecutor to look in this systemic abuse of power by Biden.

    1. You are Totally right on point!!!! Investigate Sleepy Joe!!!!

    2. You are absolutely right on point!!! Investigate Sleep Joe!!!!!

  2. Oh and when Judge Kavanaugh got angered and fought back Democrats said he had the wrong temperament to be a Judge, I think the same should be said about Nutty Crazy Uncle Joe!

  3. Trump straight up said that he did....

  4. 9:28 kind of like Mitch McConnels state getting a $300 million investment by a russian oligarch owned steel company soon after Mitch let up US sanctions on him? That kind of abuse of power?

  5. This protection of Biden and Family by the Democrats and MSM proves they are supporting anarchy and the over throw of US democracy. These are treasonous acts the Democrats and MSM are supporting and should be charged and punished accordingly. That is what we have a CONSTITUTION for.


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