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Monday, September 23, 2019

Football Game Canceled Ahead of Rally for Cheerleaders Punished for Trump Banner

A North Carolina school district canceled a football game on Friday ahead of a rally to support cheerleaders put on probation for holding a Trump 2020 banner at a game in late August.

The North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) said it canceled the game at North Stanly High School because “Stanly County Schools has been notified of additional information that could compromise safety measures our schools have in place for sporting events,” according to the Charlotte Observer.

However, that did not stop the cheerleader’s supporters from continuing with their plans to hold the rally outside the school’s football stadium in New London on Friday.

On September 17, Breitbart News reported that the cheerleaders were placed on probation after they posted a pre-game photo of themselves holding the pro-Trump banner on social media.

More here


  1. The left knows no bounds to their hate and racism...

  2. All of the teachers and administrators are products of Liberal educations, pushing Liberal public school curricula.

  3. All hidden dangers of the rainbow...they will stop at nothing to install a global new world order of satanic nature..all built on lies and deception and its all for satan and not GOD

  4. Still a few self thinking students, I would like to see it turn epidemic.

  5. Pres. Trump has invited the girls to the whitehouse!
    Libs are going crazy and screaming discrimination.

  6. “We take that to mean that it’s in an environment where good sportsmanship is shown, where people feel safe … that respect for all people participating is being shown.”

    Please tell me how supporting the President of the United States of America disrespected anyone participating in or attending that football game? These Liberal schools and sports programs have become traitors in our country and it's time for change. Unfortunately, the only thing I think will bring this country back together is another civil war. And it may be best to remove many people that don't belong in this country including these traitors teaching our kids.

  7. God Bless those girls, I love them and what they do.


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