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Monday, September 23, 2019

Schweizer: Media Trying to Turn a Biden Scandal into a Trump Scandal

“They’re trying to turn what was a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal,” Peter Schweizer said of the Washington Post‘s and other news media outlets’ framing of a “whistleblower” making headlines this week, offering his remarks on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

President Donald Trump reportedly urged Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to look into former vice president Joe Biden’s son — Hunter Biden — and his business dealings in the eastern European country, according to a Friday-published Wall Street Journal report. The allegation follows reports that a whistleblower filed a complaint in relation to the president’s communications with Ukraine.

Schweizer said, “Hunter Biden, in a sense, went around the world and cashed in on his father’s access. One of those places was in Ukraine, [with] an energy company named Burisma, which is headed by a very corrupt oligarch named Zlachevsky, [that] hired him as an advisor and a board member in April of 2014.”

Schweizer continued, “What’s interesting about this is that Hunter Biden has no background in Ukraine. He has no background in energy or natural gas or anything like that, but of course his father, the vice president at the time, was the point person on U.S. policy towards Ukraine, and the money we’re talking about here is eye-popping. Hunter Biden was getting $83,000 a month from this Ukrainian energy company where he had no background.”



  1. Ask yourself how you would feel if the roles were reversed and Obama did the same.

    1. Not sure how I would feel because we never heard anything negative about obummer.

  2. How is this a scandal about Trump? How can this be called a Whistleblower complaint when this person was not there and has no first hand knowledge? They can not be called a Whistleblower by definition. Just another Democrat false accusation, since they have tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of Trump. These Democrats are the "shadow government" anarchist. Several are known Communist. Obama did more that was more damaging than this call. Remember the Putin conversation, "I can do more when I get re-elected. Obama allowed US uranium to be sold to Russia by Hillary.

  3. Obama allowed Biden to blackmail Ukraine government, according to Biden's own words. What was that all about? Did it involve money laundering by the Obama Administration? Did it involve selling US secrets to the Russians through the Ukraine Government? Democrats are scared their dirty laundry is going to be exposed.

  4. This whole thing if they invesagate it like They should. Will go even deeper than Uncle FATHER JOE.
    Sure that Obama and even the Clinton's will be somehow involved.


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