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Monday, September 23, 2019

Infuriating Report Reveals DMVs Across The US Are Selling Your Personal Info & Making Millions

Anyone who has ever had to stand in a long line to pay the state for the privilege of renewing your driver’s license knows how infuriating that experience can be. The bureaucratic high-horse mentality of many of the DMV workers is so brazen and overt that DMVs have earned a notoriously horrid reputation in every state. But more infuriating than long lines and power-tripping bureaucrats, however, it the fact that according to a new report, these power-tripping bureaucrats are selling your data to private entities.

And they are making millions doing it.

According to a scathing report from Motherboard, government-run motor vehicle departments across the country are taking your personal information—entrusted solely to them by you—and selling it to the highest bidder. These sales are netting DMVs across the county millions in profits.

Ever wonder where all these spam calls for credit cards and vehicle warranties come from? Well now you have likely found the culprit, and it’s the government.

While it is understood that DMVs can sell information for legitimate purposes to insurance companies, many of these sales were to nefarious entities, according to the report.

When most people go to the DMV, they most likely think that their information is safe. However, according to the report, which was comprised of multiple public records requests, after you give your personal information to the DMV, they turn around and sell it to almost anyone who asks.



  1. Hogan is allowing this invasion of privacy. Hogan refuses to stop this illegal practice and restrict the usage to insurance companies. Hogan proves again his Democrat policies.

  2. This proves Obama allowed / required HIPA violations with his Obamacare and now the States are selling your personal information. Hogan by allowing this is just another Democrat. Hogan is not a Republican but a con-artist just like Obama.

  3. Get a speeding ticket in Virginia and watch how quickly the junk mail from lawyers starts pouring in. Only way they would know is MVA telling them.

  4. Months ago I asked if they sold my information and they emphatically responded no. (MD) Were they lying? If so what are the consequences for perpetrating fraud against us?

  5. All this Hogan bashing, just wait until he can't run again and see what we get (Ben Jealous)

  6. We will get the same as we got now only with the correct label Democrat.

  7. Just like Republican club here in Salisbury. They are Republican by name only. Sure, most of the people are Republican, but they have dem supporters all over the place. Jester, Muir Bottomfeeder, Carl A...... They should just merge with the Democrat club or get rid of these fakes!!!


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