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Sunday, September 01, 2019

North Carolina sheriff's deputy alleges he was fired for following the 'Billy Graham Rule'

A former North Carolina sheriff's deputy is suing for religious discrimination after he was fired in 2017 for refusing to train a female deputy alone because she was not his wife.

Manuel Torres said he was fired by the Lee County Sheriff's Office after he was instructed to train a female deputy, but he ultimately decided he could not obey the request because it violated his Christian belief that as a married man he could not be alone with someone other than his wife, also known as the "Billy Graham Rule."

The Rev. Billy Graham, who passed away at 99 in February 2018, advocated for men not to be alone with any woman whom they were not married to.



  1. thanks to the me too movement ..men can never be to careful

  2. Smart man.. Even an M.D. make requires a nurse present when examining//treating a Delaware. Too many scheming females around.

  3. Billy Graham or no Billy Graham, this really isn't a bad idea nowadays.

  4. This day and age?? Remember that your next job.

  5. Idiot. Maybe this dummy should be reminded he religion calls for following Christ, not BG, and his job calls for him to follow the state's equal opportunity laws.

    1. LOL Maybe you need to do some reading. That's what he is doing it's not about equal opportunity at all. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 what do you think that people would be saying about a married man working with a woman that's not his wife ALONE

    2. My reply is from KJV bible.

  6. He will take it to court and win.

  7. Why not just be a Muslim ?
    Everyone so devote but can't trust their impulses or faith.

  8. Give to Caeser what is Caeser's.

  9. I am sure the female would be just as comfortable with another person as well.

  10. This is so dumb.

    If your job includes training employees, you train them. You don't have to keep that job.

    The Billy Grahm rule (which is an absurd rule, btw) is not part of religious doctrine or law.

    Let me point out, this is in no way persecutions or a violation of rights.

  11. John 3 vs 16.....please readAugust 27, 2019 at 3:31 PM

    as Christians. ..we are facing discriminating ideas daily

    I'm glad the Sherrifs stood up to his beliefs

    some of these comments here indicate there are a number of non believers responding to this report

  12. I support the cop. I wouldn't even take a baby sitter home alone in my car 45 years ago. It can cost you a fortune to prove your innocence and many in the the public still believe you got off on a technicality .Same goes for domestic abuse.Don't forget the JUDGE KAVANAUGN HEARINGS- A man is considered guilty before the true facts are known which may be impossible to determine.

  13. These days it is not at all safe for a man to be alone with any female. She can say anything she wants and how are you going to defend yourself or prove that you did nothing. You can't prove a negative,. It becomes a case of she said, he said, and she usually wins.


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