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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Gillette Dumps Campaign Against 'Toxic Masculinity' After Losing Billions

Procter & Gamble reported a net loss of $5.24 billion following an $8 billion write-down.

Boston, MA – Gillette has announced that it is “shifting the spotlight” of its advertising campaign, after backlash following their recent progressive ads about various social issues contributed to an $8 billion write-down for parent company Procter & Gamble.

The 118-year-old razor company tackled the issue of “toxic masculinity” in January, when it released an ad that showcased the negative stereotypes of traditional masculinity.



  1. STILL not buying their products. What an ASININE marketing strategy. LMAO.

  2. never bite the hand that feeds you..sticking up for the .000001% of suffers of a mental diease is admirable but not fiscally sound..stay with the manly types you will get more dollars

  3. I'm not sure they, Gillette, are addressing the issue. It's one thing to react to customer outrage of this most offensive advertisement, however, the real issue remains. The ad personnel who proposed this advertisement and the management who approved it. I think Gillette should look inwardly of these morally degenerate decisions and approvals. Once removing these personnel I may be more inclined to buying their product again.

    1. Good thought 3:14, force the decision makers out

  4. SO WHAT: I'll never shave with another Gillette razor. I hope they can survive shaving the faces of the beta males, who cant grow any facial hair. Screw these SJW's

  5. I could care less about their ads.If their product is good I'll buy it.

  6. It's a razor people. Did you boycott gasoline as tankers wrecked and rigs blew up and polluted our waters and shores. Choose wiser battles. It was simply bad marketing.

    1. 5:13 Or a bunch of pansies pushing their liberal illogic down our throats.

  7. I would shave with a rusty piece of lawnmower blade before using another Gillette product.

  8. That's it. I don't watch football anymore either.

  9. They made their choice, so I made mine and decided to boycott any product made by Gillette. There are plenty of great products out there like Bic, Dollar Shave Club, Shick and Harry's. Even the German company Merkle makes really great blades and shavers. Sad what has happened to what was once are really great company. They still make quality blades that I will never user in the future, because they have lost my business!

  10. Too little too late.

  11. Agree 3:34......I can't find a razor that can match their quality, and doesn't cut my face to pieces, and I've tried them all. Same with their shave gel, after Edge cut out Ultimate. Although I am sure their are better shave creams, not in my price range though.
    I'm not cutting my nose off to spite my face......(sic)
    I don't even know if I ever saw any ads they put out.

    1. YOUR crazy. Gillette is nothing more or less than ANY other razor. I've used BIC disposable and got a better shave than Gillette. LOOOONNNGGG before the AD's.

  12. If you now support them you are part of the problem. Let them go out of business as an example to any others. Inflict on them the persecution they would inflict if they had the opportunity. Let their families go hungry and suffer the hardships of their choices. They would do the same to you.

  13. Some of those new college grads and interns just got their come-uppance. I bet those millenials that thought up that ad campaign lost their jobs, after leading the company astray like that. Those young, immature, morons nearly killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. The company might not recover. It's hard to believe the senior execs fell for it. Hopefully everyone associated with that ad campaign lost their jobs. I still will not ever buy another of their products as a result of their attack on my masculinity, and nearly their entire customer base. I mean, how stupid was that?

  14. Gillette was a sponsor of professional boxing for over half a century. What pussified, emasculating bunch of marketing professionals thought this crap up? Worse yet, what company leaders launched it? All of them should be fired and shown the rainbow pavement. What fools!


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