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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Motor Vehicle Collision

Type of Incident:Motor Vehicle Collision
Date and Time: 1955 hours
Location: W/B US RT. 50 East of MD Rt. 610

Vehicle 1: 2005 Ford F-150
Driver: Chad Alan Coleman, 37 yoa, Selbyville, DE

Vehicle 2: 2013 Chrysler 200
 Driver: Cordonte Antonio Ayres, 26 yoa, Salisbury, MD


     On 9/18/19 at approximately 1955 hours, troopers from the Maryland State Police Berlin Barrack responded to W/B US Rt. 50 just east of MD Rt. 610 regarding a motor vehicle collision.

    Preliminary investigation revealed that a 2005 Ford F-150 operated by Chad Alan Coleman of Selbyville, DE, was traveling W/B US Rt. 50 just east of MD Rt. 610 in lane 2.  The Ford F-150 then collided with the rear of a 2013 Chrysler 200, operated by Cordonte Antonio Ayres, of Salisbury, MD that was also traveling in lane 2. As result of the collision, the F-150 traveled off the right side of the roadway into a tree line and the Chrysler 200 was forced into the guardrail located on the right shoulder.

     Chad Coleman was transported by aviation to Maryland Shock Trauma.  Cordonte Ayres was transported by ambulance to PRMC. The extent of their injuries are unknown at this time.

     The investigation is ongoing. Charges are pending.


  1. I travel both East and Westbound to and from work daily

    I've had a few black guys drive in front of me
    ...slam on their brakes...
    with the intent of me hitting them..

    fortunately for me...I was able to swerve quickly to the other lane to avoid collisions...

    reviews of names involved here...
    sounds like one of those same homies slamming on their brakes>>>
    so they can get a new Escalade

  2. 1225, that is quite the assumption. Maybe if this break checking thing keeps happening to you, you should stop tailgating.

  3. Can you please follow up on this accident? How can both vehicles traveling in the same direction in the same lane all the sudden have a rear end collision? Was this a case of what the other writer asks? Is this in fact a trend here?

    1. Or maybe a deer ran across the road and the driver in front hit his brakes. Maybe the guy in the second car was texting and didn’t notice him hit his brakes. Who the hell knows. Why don’t we just hope that everyone is ok and let the cops figure out who is at fault instead of assigning blame or automatically making the victim the bad guy because he has a Hispanic name

  4. I've done it when someone is following to close, sometimes I hit the brakes.

  5. Or could this be someone intently studying a text message on his phone?

  6. I haven’t the need to worry enough who’s behind me to brake check them. I am watching what’s ahead of me, not where I’ve been.

  7. When morons are driving in the passing lane I go around them as soon as I get a chance and I slam on the brakes and accelerate as soon as they get close enough to run in the back of me. I love watching those idiots locking up their brakes. They usually wake up and move over to the slow lane where they are supposed to be. If you morons don't like in the stay the Hell off of your phones and drive in the slow lane.

  8. Texting is the number one cause of accidents...........not alcohol, not pot, drugs or anything else.


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