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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ayanna Pressley just filed an impeachment resolution against Brett Kavanaugh in the House

Amid politicians’ calls for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment, Rep. Ayanna Pressley is actually trying to get the process started.

Pressley on Tuesday filed an impeachment resolution that presses the House Judiciary Committee to kick off an investigation that would mark the first step in an impeachment process.

The resolution urges the House panel to look into sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh, and grants the committee subpoena power and resources as part of its investigation. Specifically, the resolution would enable the committee, or a task force it establishes, to conduct a probe into Kavanaugh, subpoena witnesses, and receive funding for this effort. The full House would have to approve the resolution for it to go into effect.

“I believe Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. It is our responsibility to collectively affirm the dignity and humanity of survivors,” Pressley said in a statement to WBUR.



  1. Lol

    Democrats are going to loose big time in 2020

  2. And I believe she is NUTS.

  3. Blatant stupidity. Evil is good and good is evil. It has been prophesized

  4. The single common denominator with the liberals, DNC and MSM strategy is: create story, try to spin it by adding dates, times and places, find someone so far under the radar that we're not sure if they actually lived or not, and have them slander their target. Then, the MSM takes this latest narrative, packages it and repackages it to the gullible masses and keep resurrecting it even after it's been credibly refuted.
    Think of every piece of 'dirt' they tried to throw at Trump and Kavanaugh. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, but if you keep repeating it, even smart people start to believe it.

  5. Pressley is fast becoming the Dems' new idiot of note.

  6. Ho Hum...wait, isn't she one of "the squad"? Is she free styling without her cohorts? What ever happened to united we stand, divided we fall?

  7. The Dems can no longer win so they are just trying to destroy people with whom they do not agree. Pathetic for sure.

  8. Something else must be going on for the Dems to bring this about again. Every time the spotlight is on them they create a diversion.....

  9. Democrats don't want a free America, they want an America run by their true love BIG BROTHER.

  10. Christine Blasey Ford's own father doesn't believe her. All witnesses denied it happened.

    Deborah Ramirez wasn't sure Kavanaugh was the one until she was coached for days by democratic lawyers.

    And the subject of the latest New York times smear doesn't remember the incident at all.

    Please voters quit sending money wasting idiots like Pressley to congress.

  11. So just because someones BELIEVES a person's unfounded and unproven allegations, is reason to impeach? Nothing in the Victims" testimony was verifiable. Nothing! It was political slander. Get real. Pressley HAS TO BE a moron (and a democrat).


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