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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Someone Check The Flowers On Waverly Drive


  1. With the confusion of this stupid unsafe bike lanes who has the right of way at confusing right turn intersections? Do the bikers have to yield / stop, since they pay no gas / road tax for the upkeep of the roads? Do they just violate laws and do what they want without paying attention with the idea they always have the right of way? Why are this biker idiots not required to follow present laws? Look out lawsuits.

    1. Bicyclists are required to follow Maryland motor vehicle laws just like an automobile driver. The problem is the police are rarely around when they violate it and even if so won't write a ticket for a cyclist violating it!

  2. Isn't that the New Jersey state flower?

  3. Has anyone, besides me, noticed that the bicyclists don’t follow the rules of the road!
    They want to be considered a vehicle when it suits them and then want to be considered a pedestrian when that’s more convenient.
    If the city wants all these stupid bike lanes, they need to enforce the laws for bikes as well as autos!!!

    1. Yes 1:57 I've noticed this "traffic laws don't apply to me" from these spandex assholes for years.

  4. They should start with physical violations, like lights and reflectors. These things are required as the only safety equipment that sometimes keeps them from being hit by traffic. Parents shouldn't be getting their kids bikes without them, as well as a helmet.


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