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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Sanders Campaign: Don’t Blame Us for Dayton; Blame Trump for El Paso

The presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has responded to reports that the gunman who committed a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, supported Sanders by denying any responsibility — but suggesting that President Donald Trump bears responsibility for the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, the day before.

Breitbart News reported Sunday evening that a Twitter account linked to the Dayton, Ohio, shooter had been taken down, and included support for socialism and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). The Dayton Daily News reported Monday evening that the shooter had left-leaning political opinions and supported gun control. CNN reported Monday evening that the Twitter account had supported Sanders and it had expressed “extreme” left-wing views.

In a statement released Tuesday evening, veteran Sanders campaign aide Jeff Weaver said:

Anyone who thinks that political change should come from the barrel of a gun is anathema to what Bernie has advocated for decades — non-violent mass political action. Senator Sanders and our entire campaign are repulsed by the despicable massacres we have witnessed. We asked Donald Trump to condemn white nationalism and anti immigrant [sic] demonization. We are not holding our breath.



  1. TRUMP play hardball with these fools
    BLAME Bernie for the Republican baseball shooting
    BLAME Elizabeth Warren for the Ohio shooter

  2. Blame is ALL on the damn Democrats > Noone else !!!

  3. Blame the wxremem environmental lefties for El Paso -the manifesto was extreme consumerism consumption is destroying the country & world, too many people are destroying the world by consuming too much. Ge was also anti-Trump.

  4. Democrats will never accept responsibility for any wrong doings. It is always your are a racist. Democrats the hypocrites promote violence and discourse. They back Soros, Black Lives Matters, ANTIFA Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, the SQUAD and Louis Farrakhan. Democrats Talk out of both sides of their mouth by using the word "civility"

  5. Trump endorsed shooting immigrants. Immigrants and citizens were shot.
    Add this up people

  6. 2:07 when did he say that???? Explain??? Maybe your comprehension skills are lacking. Maybe comprehension is the problem with a lot on the left.

  7. 2:07 That is a flat out lie. Damn I know you hate Trump and all but is lying to get your point across necessary? You people still don’t get it. As a Trump supporter I personally dont give a damn what you or anyone else says about Trump. Still going to vote for him. You can’t and won’t stop that as much as you would like. There’s an old saying. Actions speak louder than words. Take the actions of the Democrats and leftist today. They are why Trump will be re-elected. You sir will found out that you are on the wrong side of history and a liar to boot. But I can see by your comment you have been trained well by the msm. Here’s some advice junior. Try thinking for yourself and researching for yourself instead of popping on the msm to get your information. Or stay a blind sheep. Your choice.


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