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Thursday, August 08, 2019

MSNBC Chyron: ‘Trump-inspired Terrorism’

MSNBC used a chyron on Tuesday evening that read “TRUMP-INSPIRED TERRORISM,” in quotation marks, during The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.

The context for the chyron was the appearance of a guest, Professor David Schanzer, who published an op-ed in the UK Guardian under the headline: “We must call the El Paso shooting what it is: Trump-inspired terrorism.”

O’Donnell did not question the premise of Schanzer’s article, but rather asked him to elaborate upon it: “Establish for us what you see as the link between Donald Trump’s rhetoric, Donald Trump’s hate speech, and what happened in El Paso.”

The MSNBC host never challenged his guest’s view or expressed any doubt about its premise, nor did he show any concern that it might be inflammatory.

More here


  1. NO, Demon-crat Inspired !!!

  2. Are they trying to promote another mass shooting???
    I'm sure there are plenty of mentally ill individuals out there just looking for some type of trigger to take revenge for the so called "Trump-inspired" shooting.


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