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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sanctuary State Likely to Free Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Father of Two

The sanctuary state of Illinois is likely to release an illegal alien accused of killing father of two Corey Cottrell on bail after being incarcerated for less than a month.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Jose Rodriguez, a 27-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, is accused of running a red light on June 22 in the sanctuary state of Illinois, causing him to hit and kill 39-year-old Corey Cottrell, who was riding his motorcycle at the time and was on his way to see his mother, Kathy.

Rodriguez was ordered deported six years ago but never left the U.S. At the time of the crash, prosecutors say the illegal alien fled the scene and turned himself in the following day.

Prairie State Wire‘s W.J. Kennedy first broke the news that McLean County Judge Scott Drazewski lowered Rodriguez’s bail from $1,000,000 to $100,000 on Thursday despite prosecutors and the Cottrell family begging that the illegal alien remain locked up to ensure he not is deported before he is convicted of killing Corey.

Rodriguez has already met the $100,000 bail requirement and thus is likely to be released from local custody within the next 48 hours and should he be immediately arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), he is expected to be deported — evading charges in Corey’s death.



  1. Maybe he'll go the Epstein route while in ICE custody ? Wish ...

  2. Illinois, you're screwed up.

  3. If I were related to the family. He wouldn't live long.

    1. Exactly, turn him loose, justice will be done

  4. Since parliment wont do its job, Time for vigilante justice. Hunt him down drag him, slice him, stab him. Beat him and hang him, twice

  5. It's time to take our country back, you know the one that we stole from the Indians

    1. Where would the indians be right now without White men? The same place blacks would be, still lighting fires with sticks.

    2. You should be ashamed of your cro magnon ancestors stealing the land and resources of neanderthal.

  6. I think he needs to be stood up against a wall and shot, one for being here illegal, secondly, for taking an innocent life. Period

  7. AGREE WITH 11:24 AM ---- Since CONGRESS wont do its job, Time for vigilante justice. Hunt him down drag him, slice him, stab him. Beat him and hang him, twice

    August 10, 2019 at 11:24 AM

  8. agree with 11:24 100%


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