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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Elderly couple found dead in apparent murder-suicide, left notes about high medical bills

The 77-year-old man first called police and told them of his plans to commit suicide, saying 'we will be in the front bedroom' before hanging up.

A sheriff's department in Washington state shared a story about an elderly man who killed his ailing wife and then himself, apparently because they did not have enough money to pay for medical care. The devastating story was shared on the Whatcom County Sheriff's Office Facebook page and has gone viral.

A 77-year-old man called 911 and told the dispatcher, "I'm going to kill myself," according to the sheriff's department. He indicated he had prepared a note with instructions and the dispatcher tried to keep him on the line, with no success. The man disconnected the call, and when deputies arrived at the house, they sent a robot mounted camera inside.

Both the man and his wife were found dead by gunshot wounds. Detectives are investigating it as a likely murder-suicide.



  1. Wish cummin'couldn't afford insurance..

    1. Here is a man 77 years old, probably worked hard all his life, Big business and corporate greed has made it impossible for him to survive in a country he paid taxes for every hour he worked. Now his and my tax money is being spent on illegal alien's health care and housing. It's a damn crying shame this great country of ours has fallen to this level. It's the being of the end if something drastic isn't done soon. Give Trump a chance to make this country great again. He can't do as long as his hands are tied by both houses in congress. Congress is getting paid by the people of this country, so lets see them do something for the people of this country.

  2. Damn, if they were going to kill they could have done some good in DC and take some of them down first before offing themselves!

  3. 10:21 your lack of empathy is showing. Hope these were not your parents.

    1. You wrote 1021. Sad because these poor soles were your age.

    2. 3:41 your stupid is showing also. I hope you find your way back from this ugly life you are leading

  4. You can thank a liberal for this. Free health care for illegal immigrants but nothing for the hard working Americans.

  5. So sad. We pay for illegals medical bills but can't help our own senior citizens. Sorry A** country we have become.

  6. 11:00
    I agree. How do you give free healthcare to illegals and your own citizens get nothing.

  7. This is just too sad and should not be happening in our country to our elderly citizens.Our Government has a moral and legal obligation to help the people of the United States of America to whom they owe their livelihood/jobs. Everyone should be voted out and start over. If there is a revolution it won't be soon enough.

  8. This is how screwed up our health care system is in the U.S.

  9. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEAugust 10, 2019 at 5:48 PM

    Could of changed his name to Lopez

    than all medical is free....

    thanks to the rotten left

    ....who look out for the criminal over society

  10. It's sinful that this elderly couple had to end
    their lives as they did. So many are
    living from hand to mouth and it's disgusting
    to see the lack of support from our Government.
    It's Criminal !!!
    And yet, they will support thousands of children
    born to those who don't work and keep on having
    them . It's absolutely disgusting !
    I have no respect for our Government , our Country
    has gone to " hell in a paper basket!"

  11. They wanted to leave something to the kids rather than spending it on their own health care. Once all your assets are gone, health care is free. MY kids will only get what I don't need. They will have to help take care of me, if they want anything to be left for them.

  12. Gleaming example of why America should have a single payer system. We are so far behind the rest of the civilized world it's crazy.

    As long as health care is profit motivated instead of healing motivated...we all loose... and the rich keep getting richer...

    I know, they'll tell you "it's socialism", and "you'll have to wait in lines"... well you know what you won't have to do? Choose between you and your loved ones health vs utter financial ruin.

    I think I have the patience to wait a bit. Oh... and it's not free. We all pay a lower amount for better care through taxes... just like all the other 1st world countries do.

    You choose... pay more money to insurance, deductibles, premiums and STILL face financial ruin... or pay less money through taxes for better care.

    You think a profit motivated insurance company cares about you? NO. They care about profits. You want a death panel? This is it.

  13. August 12, 2019 at 9:54 AM:

    You and your socialist delusions are what is crazy. Like I want to be placed on a waiting list for routine health care? Like I want to have my health care rationed by the government? Like the government is going to spare no expense for my end-of-life health care? No to all. The system you describe IS the one with death panels. You are a typical socialist, expecting the "government" to give you everything for free.

    Profits produce results that meet demand. Tax payer funded, single payer, produces waiting lists and rationed health care, regardless of demand. Single payer has no incentive to provide quality health care. As a matter of fact, single payer doesn't care at all whether you live or die, just that you follow the government rules. Socialism sucks!


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