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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Nolte: Fox News Holds Steady as Viewers Flee CNN and MSNBC by Double Digits in July

Another month, another disastrous ratings performance for far-left, fake news outlet CNN.

Throughout the month of July, CNNLOL was not even able to attract an average of 800,000 primetime viewers.

Thanks to a double-digit drop in viewers, an 11 percent collapse when compared to this same month last year, CNNLOL’s average total primetime viewership in July was a pathetic (and hilarious) 797,000.

MSNBC also saw a double-digit (ten percent) erosion in primetime viewers but was still able to nearly double CNNLOL with 1.5 million primetime viewers.


1 comment:

  1. We love you President Trump. Keep doing what you are doing...


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