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Thursday, August 01, 2019

Baltimore Is Worse than Trump Thinks

Joe Biden's, Bernard Sanders's, Elizabeth Warren's, and Kamala Harris's Democratic Party is the main culprit of Baltimore's ills.

Thanks to President Trump's remark this past weekend about West Baltimore and its U.S. representative, Elijah Cummings, social media nation was embroiled in God only knows how many mindless online conversations. Trump said: "If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place."

Though rare, sometimes a Twitter discussion can be somewhat worthwhile, even if for just one of the parties conversing. On Saturday night, David Simon, creator of the now defunct critically acclaimed television show The Wire, tweeted the following:



  1. Democrats talk all the crap about helping the down trodden and poor. Yet still get rich at their behest. Disgusting...

  2. no it's not.He knows precicely how bad it is.

  3. I lived there 30 years ago or so. And used to sit on my back step and shoot the rats coming out from the movie theater across the street. And that wasn't even the city but the county. You could pull up to gas stations in north balt. And watch the rats playing in the parking lot.


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