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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Is College Worth It?


  1. At this point no, college is not worth it... And don't let the old fools who were ingrained with this BS to tell you other wise... You can barely find a job with certain skill sets AND lets not forget NOW EVEN FAST FOOD MORONS GET 15 BUCKS an hour, so why even go to college to make that????

  2. An institution of hyprocisy and money grabbers!

  3. 2:24 PM So you don’t have to be a fast food moron

  4. Of course a young person with the capacity to learn should continue their education beyond high school. I’m not saying a liberal arts degree will pay the bills but a good engineering or similar degree will pay off

  5. It's funny how anti Union anti College trades persons are and make little more themselves than 15 dollars an hour and have no benefits or pension and no collective bargaining power yet they are butt hurt burger flippers have the same dreams of house home family that they do. For what a little expertise in their skill ? Yeah...ask the coal miners Trump made great promises too their providing companies are going bankrupt right and left.

  6. I graduated in 1982. Had a hard enough time in HS and college was not going to be my thing. If I had gone and continued my partying ways I would probably be dead. Joined the Navy for 5 years. Got out and continued with what I learned there. Fast forward close to 40 years later that trade and skill I earn close to 90K a year. I cannot find any young kids looking to learn a trade, put in the time and stick with it. The local "farm boys" that have been with my company now for close to 20 years all make close to $30/hour. Hard work and common sense isn't going to come in a degree. And the Hospital and College doesnt pay that either.

  7. 2:14 - that's the Trump economy for you. Sure, there's lots of jobs, but like you're pointing out, they pay crap. The only people really making more are the ultra-wealthy. Not sure why so many middle class can't see this, it's right in front of your eyes.

  8. In a word...........NO!! Not anymore.


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