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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Embattled Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam under fire over appointee with history of anti-Catholic tweets

Months after racism allegations dogged Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration, the state’s top Democrat is now facing scrutiny over a political appointee with a history of anti-Catholic comments.

Gail Gordon Donegan, appointed earlier this month to the Virginia Council on Women, a state body focused on women's issues, mocked the Catholic Church's struggle with sexual abuse among its clergy in a series of tweets going back to 2010.

Northam's appointee also targeted a sacred Catholic ritual and directed vulgar tweets at other targets, including Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, in tweets uncovered by the Richmond Times-Dispatch.



  1. He should host a rally and talk about it.

  2. I heard he requires all of his meeting to be called rally’s and are mostly held at night. Probably just a rumor

  3. Wait...could Old Ralph be a racist, radical liberal who supports infanticide, and a secular nut job?

  4. Time to replace him with a conservative Republican.

  5. Get rid of this Libturd!

  6. AGAIN. Virginia SUCKS. The people SUCK. The employer SUCK. The colleges SUCK. Didn't the KKK HATE BLACKS AND CATHOLIC??


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