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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Have You?


  1. Still do, that's my safe space

  2. Till I was 17 yrs old no running water
    I enjoy the finer things in life today
    Hard times on a cold Feb. night
    Drop your pants out doors when it's about 20 degrees it will take your breath
    Did not kill us, stronger because of it

  3. Oh yes, as a youngster...... Cold Days, Hot Days all kinds of unfavorable conditions on the farm. Was a real treat going to visit my Grandfather who lived in a small town with a HEATED INSIDE BATHROOM.

  4. Heck yeah! Every national park had them back then!

  5. A lot of times growing up.

  6. Yes, my friends camp in Mapleton Maine.

  7. Absolutely yes. Pretty cold when there is snow on the ground.

  8. Yes I have, and it is kind of scary at night if you don't have a bed pan. Good thing we have indoor toilets now as much as I go at night.

  9. They’ve all been closed due to lack of Sears catalogs.

  10. Sure have. We had a sign inside asking told to write your weight on the wall when entering. That way we knew how much s**t to dig out if someone fell in.

  11. Yes, and even in the deep wilderness with no sides or roof.

  12. We had a two hole, very proud.

  13. First time I saw one, I was 17 and pulled into a gas station in PA. I asked the attendant if I could use the bathroom. He told me that it was out back AND BE SURE TO FLUSH WHEN DONE!

  14. ha ha yup the Sears Roebuck catalogs..or a corn cob...ouch...

  15. Yup! I remember the first time I went in and voted it was a booth like this. It reeked of Democrat Political Promises too!

  16. How many used a corncob afterwards?

  17. I did. On a field trip in college in the '70's. We hiked up a mountain in western Maryland. Got hit by the "Green apple Creep" on the way down. No where to go. To much in the way of ticks, etc., and wildlife and people. I ran to the out house I'd seen when we started up the mountain. Near the base of the hill.
    No TP. Nothing but stench and a hole in a piece of wood to sit on.. Had to just pull up the pants and move on. Made for a smelly trip back to SSU..... for everyone stuck in that van with me..
    Alot of cigars were smoked, to cover up the smell.
    Also made a pot-a-Potty look like A 5 star rest room.

  18. Many times. Always check for spiders first.

  19. Northwest Woodsman: Vietnam in the mid 60s. They placed 55 gal steel drums that had been cut in half under the seat to collect the waste and then every morning they would pour diesel fuel into the drum and set it alight. Thick black smoke spread over the base camp and the smell was terrible.

  20. Had a buddy have one blow up in basic training in the army. Lit a cigg. up in it. Was funny as could be.


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