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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Cardin: 'No Justification For Private Ownership Of Assault Weapons'

Sen. Ben Cardin said there is "no justification for private ownership of assault weapons," Monday at a town hall held at an Annapolis retirement community, the Capital Gazette reports.

Sixty residents of the Ginger Cove retirement community gathered for a town hall meeting in which Cardin addressed the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, the Gazette says.

"People's lives lost by a white supremacist nationalist who believes in hate and acting out on hate," Cardin said. "We have seen this happen too frequently in our community, way too frequently. We saw it in Annapolis, the tragic loss at The Capital Gazette. We've seen it happen in individuals' acts of violence as well as in mass shootings."



  1. There is no justification for you working behind armed guards. You elitists want to return to feudal times where we peasants are unarmed. You disarm and we won't need protection from you. Read your history. The 2nd amendment is to protect us from you.

  2. First long guns - next semi-automatic pistols - next six shooters. Let's ban all guns so that only criminals will have them.

  3. Defense against an out of control government

  4. And this is exactly why we need private ownership. When the government thinks they own the citizens they are supposed to be working for...

  5. This guy is just stupid. An assault weapon is anything that can be used to assault another person. JUST ABOUT ANYTHING COULD BE CLASSIFIED AS AN ASSAULT WEAPON.

    When will this idiocy stop!

  6. I beg to differ with all the peanut gallery rhetoric as to who is at fault. The problem is how we provide Public Safety. It doesn't work. Public Safety doesn't have to hear gun shots to react. That's far too late. Nearly all the perps have left fingerprints on social media before committing their crime.

  7. HIPPA doesn't help, either. Most of these shooters exhibit symptoms to doctors or other health professionals but they are prohibited from passing this information along.

  8. Hey Senator Cardin, as a Senator I would think you are aware of the law. Evidently by you're comments you are not. Let me help you. First: look up the definition of an Assault Weapon. Now check the law and you will see Assault Weapons are already banned from private ownership unless you have an FFL license. If you think an AR-15 is an Assault Weapon you are wrong by definition.

  9. Actually, when a patient exhibits behavior indicative of or professes to want to do harm to self or others, the doctor has a responsibility and obligation to let that be known to a law enforcement agency. Too many don't, though.


  10. Ben Cardin-Dementia on Display. Professional public trough feeder.

  11. These things are happening as a direct result of what this country has done, not caring for the mentally ill homeless people, homeless vets and yes ou HIPPA laws. Wake up America it's not a gun issue its sickness/ evil.Do you really believe we would be safer if only the Government had guns?

  12. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEAugust 7, 2019 at 12:04 PM


  13. I missed something, since the shooting reported in Annapolis was reported to have been done with a high caliber handgun. Politians don't know what is an assault weapon or a weapon of war. Someone tell me what caliber weapon is not a weapon of war. What caliber has not been used in war times, shotgun, rifle or handgun? Do not believe there is one.

  14. For everybody's information. He has an office in Salisbury Maryland 212 W. Main street. Taxpayers have been paying for this office space and NOONE has ever worked in this office. Probably the only people who have ever stepped into this office were the furniture people when they furnished an office that is NEVER USED. Call the local number and it is transferred to the Baltimore OFFICE

    1. Seems to be the norm. AOC is doing the same thing. Set up office in NY but doesn't use it and guess who pays for it - taxpayers. You and I.

  15. F**k off , Bennie!

  16. 1:02 Why didn't you post the number on here if you are encouraging people to call

  17. 1 of the definitions of an assault weapon is that it has to operate in the "automatic mode", which are outlawed unless you have been granted a special FFL by ATF. These weapons used are "semi-automatic mode" weapons. Typical Dumbocrat knows nothing about what they are talking about.

  18. Bill H.R.2959 introduced by Congressman Eric Swalwell ( D-CA) the Freedom from Assault Weapons Act, which would also ban assault, large capacity magazines and establish mandatory buyback program for the MILLIONS already owned. If later found in possession of these weapons or magazines would be subject to criminal prosecution. The afore mentioned message came from Congressman Andy Harris.
    H.R.2959 would NEVER work! Where would we put all the MILLIONS that do not comply? And we won't!

  19. Maybe Democrats should be the ones banned from owning any type of firearm. Their armed security should also be banned and their gated communities. They should be made to live like the the rest of us. Maybe then they would take their heads out of their asses!

  20. Come to my house to confiscate anything and I'm shooting you dead, probably from a preselected ambush location. Simple to understand. This constant back and forth, justifying, defending , and even the entertaining of the suggestion is counterproductive. You have the guns for a reason. If you are not prepared or terrified to state that you will use them as they were intended then turn them over and step out of the debate.

  21. Well, Most who have them are the GOOD law-abiding
    people who do Nothing wrong with them !!! Take That

  22. Cardin is ignorant. The Annapolis shooter used a shotgun, not an "assault weapon." But then again, I'm sure Cardin wants to call all guns assault weapons, as his goal is to disarm law abiding citizens of all their second amendment weapons. Every weapon is an assault weapon, if used to assault innocent victims, even knives and baseball bats. Guns used for defense are not assault weapons. How they are used is what makes them assault weapons. Dems will never blame the bad guys with guns, just the guns. Cardin can go jump in a lake.


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