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Saturday, August 31, 2019

FEC chair invites internet giants to discuss countering disinformation during 2020 race

The chair of the Federal Election Commission has reportedly asked Facebook, Google and Twitter to meet next month to discuss countering online disinformation during the 2020 U.S. presidential race.

FEC Chairwoman Ellen Weintraub, a Democrat, invited the internet companies to send representatives to a daylong symposium scheduled for Sept. 17, Politico first reported.

“The goal of the symposium will be to identify effective policy approaches and practical tools that can minimize the disruption and confusion sown by fraudulent news and propaganda in the 2020 campaign,” said the invitation, according to the outlet.



  1. The tech giants make their own guidelines of what they consider to be miss information. And it seems to be anyone disagreeing with left leaning party. Some of richest people in the world own the companies and they have every single search a person has ever done. Congress, senate and families. You typed it they have it... folks don’t hold your breath waiting for fec.

  2. The reason these internet companies survive and thrive is because of the fools that believe anything that is written and unverified. Most are fondly referred to as sheep...

  3. As a Democrat all she will do is criticize Trump and not her Democrat failed policies.

  4. Quit being bought off by the Democrats = Problem Solved

  5. all this will do is bring more censorship of Conservatives, They are already shadow banning and blocking Republican/Conservative and Christian posts.Its already been proven that Democrats and anti-Trumpers and post anything they want to including Trump being assissated and being hung in effigy and shot in the head, and decapitated. That does not go against their community of standards on hate speech but you commenting the truth about Obama or the Clintons then they block it due to it being hate speech. Its just getting started. This election is going to be a bumpy ride and it will require all hands on deck. Who needs Russians to meddle when you have the left using social media and news outlets to report fake news and censor those on the right and Trump. Stay tuned its gonna get even more crooked yet.


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