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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comey Rebuked by IG but Unapologetic for Coup Attempt

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a report Thursday rebuking disgraced former FBI Director James Comey for setting “a dangerous example” by leaking memos to the press in May 2017. Those memos, Horowitz said, contained “investigative information, obtained during the course of FBI employment,” and Comey leaked them “in order to achieve a personally desired outcome” — vengeance against President Donald Trump for firing him.

Comey asserted, contrary to FBI policy and practice, that the memos were his personal property. Horowitz hammered him for that and for keeping those memos in a personal safe at home. Comey perpetrated the leaks by giving memos to others with instructions to pass them to the press. As intended, Comey’s dishonest charade set up his pal Robert Mueller’s bogus $35 million investigation of Trump.

Mueller’s investigation was the culmination of the attempted deep-state coup against a duly elected president — a coup precipitated by the partisan hackery of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the leadership of America’s intelligence apparatus.



  1. Slimy Jimmy and Hil-liar-y should be incarcerated. Is beyond me why they are not ?

  2. A slap on the wrist for trying to overthrow the government. He should be in federal supermax for life.

  3. Just another "dirty cop" with political connections that will go unpunished. Proves biased punishment for the local Police.


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