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Friday, August 16, 2019

Despite #MeToo era, most top colleges share little about sexual assaults

WASHINGTON – Despite the rise of the #MeToo movement, most of the nation’s largest public universities are less than transparent about how they handle sexual assault cases on campus.

A six-month-long investigation by Capital News Service found that among the 25 largest public universities, very few were willing to make public data about sexual assault reports, how many investigations they conducted annually and how many cases resulted in disciplinary actions or convictions.

In fact, among the 25 schools, 13 provided no information. Of those 13, eight did not answer repeated calls, five more failed to respond through their communications departments, two declined to answer any questions, and one failed to answer a public records request it said it required.

CNS made more than 70 telephone calls and sent numerous emails to all 25 schools.


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