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Friday, August 16, 2019

AOC: Racists were key part of Trump's coalition of voters

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered her opinion on whether President Trump's supporters are racist during an interview with Crooked Media's Pod Save America podcast.

"First of all, the biggest mistake that we have — and it's a trap that gets set by the Right, whether intentionally or unintentionally — is just the frame of asking, 'Is blank racist?'" the New York Democrat explained, arguing the conversation needs to be about racism itself, not the people who ascribe to it.

"Like all winning political phenomena ... they rely on coalition building," she continued. "So, Trump relied on a coalition, and a core part of that coalition were racists — building a coalition with all sorts of other people that could be susceptible to racist views if they were blanketed and layered and made people made feel good about it not being a racist thing."



  1. AOC and the Democrats are the party of racism, hatred, and violence. Her and the Democrats need to read and study US history to improve their correct knowledge of History, past and present.

    1. Don't you see they are and have rewritten History already? Why do you think they want all those statues taken down. Go to your local school and see what books the liberal/democratic teachers are teaching history from today. You won't recognize it!!

  2. Weird no mention of Russia anymore?

  3. How many decks of race cards can one person possibly use? We're finding out that the race card printing company is running triple shifts trying to keep up with Dem demands.

  4. This bartender has done nothing but start shit since getting ELECTED. She's stepped in it from day one. Her campaign manager is up on federal charges. She and her ANTI-AMERICAN musketeers have been nothing but RACIST. Hey AOC?? I'm as RACIST as you are!!

  5. Thank God President Trump will win in 2020. Thank God and America...

  6. im a racist when it comes to a dumb ass muslim bartender calling us american born tax payers racist! the 2020 elections will speak volumes.Go back to iraq dumb bimbo!

  7. I'm getting a little tired of being called names from someone I don't even know. Get over yourself honey, you are nothing to me.

  8. The DEMOCRATS are the only ones promoting RACISM.Their only chance to win is with DIVISION AND HATE.They offer nothing else except free S--T "AKA SOCIALISM" FOR THE IGNORANT who don't have the mental capacity to know any better.Their war on COPS,BORDER PARTROL OFFICERS AND ICE OFFICERS should be their downfall.'

  9. Russia Russia Russia guns guns guns oh wait we are back on the racist train sorry

  10. Hey AOC, I'd like to meet you in person at a rally or something so I can tell you to your face that you are an idiot.

  11. Clinton was white and Trump was white so i don't see the racist issue here!

  12. The Pot calling the kettle Black !!!


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