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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Wicomico County Council Rejects 4 Candidates

Today the Wicomico County Council failed to select someone to fill the position vacated by Mark Kilmer.  Wicomico Republican Central Committee select 4 people, Nicole Acle of Salisbury, Julie Brewington of Eden, Joseph Collins of Mardela Springs and Austin Whitehead of Salisbury.  All 4 candidates were rejected.


  1. I thought the Voters Decide Who gets on the councils !!!!

  2. Does not the Charter require the Council select one of the nominees. It certainly seems the Central Committee did its job. What is going on with the County Council?


    As a more than qualified candidate I sat through the republican committees 15 min interview. It was like a gauntlet of very direct questions with no followup questions for clarification. What that committee needs is someone with some interviewing experience. There is no way for them to make an informed decision in that time frame.

    To summarize my experience with the Republican committee, a waste of time at best , at worst it was highly insulting and amateurish.

    15 minutes SMH.

    They needed to have a multi phase interview process that would have included at least 3 different interviews of increasing complexity. Instead they opted for one 15 minute interview. WHAT A JAKE! Oh shoot, typo. WHAT A JOKE!


  4. Back to ye olde drawing board for the Republican committee.

  5. I know why Joe was rejected.
    He is a threat to all the current members on the council.

  6. Not rejected. Tie vote.

  7. Was that AOC's squad of 4 ?? LOL

  8. WHITEHEAD is Communist and doesn't believe in free speech .

  9. Julie didn't make it? wtf?

  10. Hey, sign me up.

  11. 4:38. during an election yes, that person is elected. If a vacancy comes up in between elections, then No. a person is appointed until the next election year. Next year is an election year. That position will be up for vote and that person elected by the people of that district for the rest of that 4 year term. It will go again for the regular term election again in 2022 and whom ever wins will remain in that position for their 4 year term.

  12. Right now the house is again not working on tax relief, prescription drug relief, immigration, support of our troops, the deficit, jobs, college debt, they are debating whether Trump is mean. How long do we we we let our Congress go on like this???

  13. Wow....they actually have some sense.

  14. Glad they did not pick Whitehead, he is living on his dads name and never responds. Great decision not him

  15. So which members voted for which nominees? Dying to know!

  16. Maybe if Whitehead lived in the district, not with his girlfriend it would be different. I don't care what his legal address is. It's where he actually lives that matters.

  17. Just a sample of what Bob has to deal with. Cannon and crew are no different than Pelosi and Schumer. Ridiculous!!


  18. There are several RE barons on council now. More wouldn't improve things.
    Only so much pie to share.

  19. Darren WHITEHEAD is a RINO POS.

  20. Oy vey, weren't these the same Dems that rejected a female for the board of education seat? What's the deal Mr. Big Man in Council? You got some kind of a problem with the women?

  21. I didn't see them vote on Julie or Nicole. SO he guys were tied and they have to go back to central committee? Why not vote on the women? They could use a woman on that council. Good ole boys for sure. Collins got joke and laughs and whitehead contributed to probably all their campaigns so come on.

    1. Nicole is over educated and over qualified. They are intimidated by her!

  22. Really? Julie Brewington? The Central Committee just lost all credibility. Didn't they see her You Tube feature?

  23. Joe, the County is screwing with employees again and trashing their investments for their deferred pay plans, someone needs to look into this, lots of upset employees with the folks at Human Resources

  24. Austin Whitehead shouldn't have lied about his address since he clearly lives with his fiance on Middleneck Drive. In case you were wondering, Middleneck Drive isn't District 2.

  25. If the 3 Democrats wanted Austin Whitehead and no one else that is enough for me to be glad that Mr. Whitehead didn't get the nod.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Right now the house is again not working on tax relief, prescription drug relief, immigration, support of our troops, the deficit, jobs, college debt, they are debating whether Trump is mean. How long do we we we let our Congress go on like this???

    July 16, 2019 at 6:32 PM

    I think you are on the wrong thread, Ma'am. Go Hijack the Blubber Bloggers page.

  27. Anonymous said...
    I thought the Voters Decide Who gets on the councils !!!!

    July 16, 2019 at 4:38 PM

    Some people are just too dumb to vote. Pay attention!

  28. Austin Whitehead is the guy that was expelled from High School for bringing his Daddy’s cop gun to school. He’s also the guy lying about where he lives. (It isn’t District 2)

  29. Poor Austin lives with his fiance in another district and thought he could lie to everyone and get a free ride with the council appointment because his daddy lives in District 2. He and his fiance does NOT live in District 2 by no means. If he would lie during this process what do you think he would do to the citizens who live and vote in District 2?

  30. Anonymous said...
    Maybe if Whitehead lived in the district, not with his girlfriend it would be different. I don't care what his legal address is. It's where he actually lives that matters.

    July 16, 2019 at 7:58 PM

    That is not his "legal" address. Maryland law says you have to change your address within 30 days. He is living with his fiance on Middleneck Drive and has been for many, many months. He daddy is a retired Maryland State Trooper and should have advised him of that.

  31. Did anyone else watch the meeting on PAC 14? That McCain guy is a jerk. It’s obvious he controls the other 2 Democrats and he tries to bully the Republicans. That’s where your problem is! Who the Hell voted for him?

  32. What the Hell do the Democrats have against Joe Collins? He is the most qualified and has been sitting on the Board of Elections for quite a few years now. Not to mention that he does live in District 2.

  33. Anonymous said...
    I didn't see them vote on Julie or Nicole. SO he guys were tied and they have to go back to central committee? Why not vote on the women? They could use a woman on that council. Good ole boys for sure. Collins got joke and laughs and whitehead contributed to probably all their campaigns so come on.

    July 16, 2019 at 11:00 PM

    Julie, are you drinking again??

  34. Ironically John Cannon got Bill McCain to run at-large and now Bill McCain is trying to dethrone him so that he can be the next President of the county council. That's why Bill McCain wants liberal Whitehead so he can get 4 votes. This was already worked out between the three Democrats and Whitehead.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oy vey, weren't these the same Dems that rejected a female for the board of education seat? What's the deal Mr. Big Man in Council? You got some kind of a problem with the women?

    July 16, 2019 at 10:26 PM

    Yes, they were adamantly against Tonya Lewis on the Board of Education. They wanted the "old white man" instead. Funny Liberals use that "old white man" tactic unless it's another liberal like Gains Hawkins or Bernie Sanders.

  36. Austin is a Democrat plant in the Republican Party for a Conservative seat. Yes, the Liberals are playing games again.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    As a more than qualified candidate I sat through the republican committees 15 min interview. It was like a gauntlet of very direct questions with no followup questions for clarification. What that committee needs is someone with some interviewing experience. There is no way for them to make an informed decision in that time frame.

    To summarize my experience with the Republican committee, a waste of time at best , at worst it was highly insulting and amateurish.

    15 minutes SMH.

    They needed to have a multi phase interview process that would have included at least 3 different interviews of increasing complexity. Instead they opted for one 15 minute interview. WHAT A JAKE! Oh shoot, typo. WHAT A JOKE!

    July 16, 2019 at 4:44 PM

    Is that you Nicole??

  38. If Whitehead is a registered Republican then he is certainly in the wrong party because he has too many Democrat friends. He better watch his back because Democrats don’t like Republicans.

  39. I’m glad I didn’t vote for Bill McCain. All he is interested in doing is “fully funding” the Board of Education so his wife can get a promotion.

  40. I saw the meeting and Joe Collins was the best choice for this appointment but the Democrats didn't want him. Apparently they all 3 fought for Austin Whitehead. That says enough for me to know that Whitehead was the worst candidate if the Democrats wanted him and him only.

  41. Austin Whitehead is 25 years old and claims he still lives home with mommy and daddy but lets his fiance live by herself in another home that he renovated almost a year ago. Does anyone really believe that he is living with mommy and daddy letting his fiance live all by herself in another house?

  42. i still lived at home when i was 25. Many now days do because they cant afford the rent unless they get several room mates and in the city thats not permitted because of the laws put in place by the city.

    1. Get 3 jobs SNOWFLAKE.

    2. 1210 ?

      you mean I have to work for money?

      heck no....EBT cards, WIC, Welfare...

      no, you go work, and pay for me free stuff

  43. Julie Brewington does not live in the district either by your standards above. If you don't go by "legal address". Are you really living in that shack Julie? Or did you just use that address to make it look like you live in that district? Stop being disgruntled Julie because you were not chosen! Why did the Central Committee put your name in anyway? Hasnt everybody seen you in your live action videos? You need to just go away!

  44. 4:44 If you wanted more time with the Central Committee then maybe you should have stopped complaining and contacted them. Every one of their phone numbers are accessible, if you know where to look. If your were as smart as you are appearing to try to be then you would have known where to look. So maybe, just maybe thats why you were not selected? Not the brightest bulb in the box?

  45. Nicole is qualified and wildly attractive. Is Bill Mclain intimidated by a women with twice his education?

  46. These small towns have been ruled by the old school !!!

    The "Click" runs everything !!!

  47. Anonymous said...
    Just a sample of what Bob has to deal with. Cannon and crew are no different than Pelosi and Schumer. Ridiculous!!

    July 16, 2019 at 8:22 PM

    Yep, I've been saying all along...the County Council is the problem and this truly reflects that! Pitiful...

  48. Nicole is an attractive lady and very qualified. I would be proud to have her represent me. Anybody but Brewington.

  49. 7:32
    I have to wonder about Julie's address also. Her address is still showing as the same as her husband on the divorce documents. If she changed her address wouldn't she be required to notify the courts since is still an active case?

  50. 10:14 you make a great point about the change of address for her divorce.. doesn’t she want to get her notifications from the courts.... Is she on probation for her drunk driving? Does anybody know?

  51. Anonymous said...
    Nicole is qualified and wildly attractive. Is Bill Mclain intimidated by a women with twice his education?

    July 17, 2019 at 9:59 AM

    Hi Nicole. I agree with you about Bill McCain, but looks aren't qualities. Run for election in 2020 if you want the position that bad.

  52. Anonymous said...
    These small towns have been ruled by the old school !!!

    The "Click" runs everything !!!

    July 17, 2019 at 12:56 PM

    I don't think you know what the Hell you are talking about. This thread is about the county council not some small town click. Moron!

    1. Actually 2:54 is correct. You can call it a click or whatever.
      Let's leave the name calling to the Democrats, we are better than that.

  53. Julie won that district.

  54. Joe,

    Please tell Greg Bassett that Austin Whitehead is not a lifelong resident of the Clara Road and Pemberton Drive area or planning to move outside council district 2. He did that a long time ago and lives on Middle Neck Drive.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Julie won that district.

    July 19, 2019 at 11:17 AM

    I agree, she did. She almost got elected to the At Large seat.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Actually 2:54 is correct. You can call it a click or whatever.
    Let's leave the name calling to the Democrats, we are better than that.

    July 19, 2019 at 8:05 AM

    Um... 12:56 called it a "click." Pay attention!

  57. Buzz at the Tawes party is that Culver wants Whitehead on the county council to support turning the Poplar Hill place into a drug addiction treatment center and is still working with Hogan who was there to do that. Folks in that area better watch out because Mark Killmer is no longer there to stop that from happening.

  58. Oh my God! This County Council is a Real Joke!
    Election year is coming , hope you people are
    watching and listening to these idiots.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Oh my God! This County Council is a Real Joke!
    Election year is coming , hope you people are
    watching and listening to these idiots.

    July 21, 2019 at 11:14 AM

    Hey Dumb A$$!! We just had an election year and the next one is in 3.5 years.

    Now WHO is the "Real Joke!"

  60. I'm hearing John Cannon and the County Council will be sued if they appoint Austin Whitehead to the Council. John Cannon better watch out or his skeletons will come out of the closet.


  61. Anonymous said...
    Oh my God! This County Council is a Real Joke!
    Election year is coming , hope you people are
    watching and listening to these idiots.

    July 21, 2019 at 11:14 AM

    Hey Dumb A$$!! We just had an election year and the next one is in 3.5 years. 11:14 AM is a real idiot!

    Now WHO is the "Real Joke!"

    July 21, 2019 at 1:17 PM

    Some people are just TOO STUPID to vote!

  62. The county council and the Board of Elections need to make sure anyone nominated to this seat does indeed live in District 2 are there will be big legal ramifications.

  63. Didn't John Cannon and Bill McCain both get a campaign donation $2,000 each donation from the Coastal Association of Realtors and Austin Whitehead is the President?

  64. Someone needs to find out what the connection between John Cannon, Bill McCain and Austin Whitehead and the Coastal Association of Realtors is.

    Don't forget that Austin is close friends with Sarah and Josh.

  65. Julie Brewington should be disqualified for running for anything she needs serious rehab but then she'll just relapse like always.

  66. Someone should really take a close look at this Austin Whitehead scam. If you watch the county council meeting held on July 2, on youtube, he said twice that he was a has lived in District 2 all his life when he has lived outside that district for months on Middle Neck Drive.

    If he can’t be straight about that, how can we trust him on the council? Who wants someone who lives in another District to represent them?

    And now 4 members on the council want to appoint him knowing where he is living. As someone said, Wicomico County is becoming a real banana republic. John Cannon what are you thinking?

  67. Anonymous said...
    Julie Brewington should be disqualified for running for anything she needs serious rehab but then she'll just relapse like always.

    July 21, 2019 at 5:42 PM

    Why? Because you don't like her?? There is no law that says "needing serious rehab" is a disqualifier.

    Try again Bozo. I don't like her either, but you can do better than that. I think you are the drunk.

  68. 8:40
    Must be Julie. Anyone else wouldn't post such a stupid comment. You can't seem to keep your own life in check and you want the responsibility to do it for people in the county? Pound Sand! Get sober! Can't you see what it has already done in your life and you just keep drinking.

  69. I’m hearing more and more that Turncoat Cannon is going to flip his vote for Austin. I live in District 2 and this pisses me off. John Cannon, you are toast. We the citizens of District 2 are going to make sure you never get elected again!

  70. Connection = Laurie (Crawford) Cannon, Realtor

  71. Julie Brewington won district 2. She's pretty cute too. SSDD in Wicomico.

  72. Whitehead dropped out.

  73. Julie Brewington should be ashamed of herself. You're not fooling anybody we know you are behind the attacks on Whitehead. Yes he is more capable of doing the job then you are aaannnndddd he is not a drunk! if there is any question in his residence then show your id, we want to see whats on your drivers license. The County Council should ask for verification of where you are living. Prove where you live? We all want to know.


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